Archive for February, 2013

Photo Oberservation #4

1) SUNSET #4 (2013)


3) Theme: Happy

4) This photo to me means happy because I immediately think of this light shining after a rainstorm. The clouds and the sky are bright and the clouds open up and separate so you can see the light. The sky goes from being in a sad mood to the picture which is a happy and cheerful mood. The weather is warm and kids go outside and play on the streets and parents walk with their friends in the parks and neighborhoods.

Photo Observation #4: Happy

  1. Screen Shot 2013-02-21 at 2.38.18 PM
  2. Photo from
  3. Theme: Happy
  4. The light in this picture fills me with happiness and joy. It’s movement is vivid with great vibrancy and all of the colors hold a sense of brightness and strength. The light emanates many different extremes of bright shades on the spectrum and electricity gives it a new life. It looks as though the light is moving and dancing around in  great celebration. The texture of the light creates multiple layers signifying wealth in both quantity and quality. The l the way it is moving and shining so brightly gives a sense of ownership and pride. It’s as if the light is saying, “I’m here. I’ve arrived and I’m proud of who I am and I am happy to be who I am.”  The combination of colors, brightness, movement and texture created by the light evoke a feeling of happiness and excitement throughout the photo.

Light Observation #4

  1. 7:30 AM, February 19th, 2013 Netherlands Hague 314 A
  2. A single light source from the sun is shining through my window blinds which are partially closed.
  3. I woke up to the warm, bright light shining through my window. Long radiant rays of gold light shone through each blind straight like that of meticulous lines on the page of a notebook. There was no class that day. I enjoyed not being awoken by the harsh screams of my alarm clock but rather, the gentle kiss from the sun’s rays as they slowly seeped through my window like syrup that gently encompasses a warm, risen pancake. The warmth from the welcoming light gently woke me and it was not harsh nor rushed; It was sweet and beautiful. The light filled the room like the energy that fervently started to run through my veins preparing me for the remainder of the day. The amber orange and yellow light truly shined exuberantly and set a joyful mood for the rest of the impending day.

Photo Observation Week #4: Happy

Foss Hill Afternoon

2) This photo was taken by Flickr user Adrian Cook, on May 19 2012.


3) Theme: Happy


4) When I heard the photo theme was happy, I immediately knew that the photo I chose would have something to do with the sun. I have a difficult relationship with the sun- I am extremely affected by the seasons, and just having a sunny day, even in the winter makes things a little better. This is a picture of Foss Hill, on the Wesleyan campus in my town. The sun is still shining, and you can feel the warmth radiating from the left side of the picture. The sky is clear and blue, and the shadows are long and stretched out over the green of the hill. Although the sun directly in the sky is a very happy feeling, the happiest feeling comes after a long day of working at camp, when you’re relaxing outside with friends and the shadows start to get long, but the day just keeps holding on to the sun, because it’s summer and everything is bright and happy. That is what the light in this picture says to me. The day has been long, and filled with life, yet the sun is still there. It is still happy, and it’s summer, so it will stay as long as possible.

Light Observation #4

1) 2/21/13, 3:49pm, walking through Dempster on my way from Breslin to Lowe.


2) At the intersection of three hallways, there is a frosted glass skylight. The light in the hallways around it is artificial. There is a shelf in the wall of the skylight, and there are small lights hidden in it that point up at the glass.


3) The hall seemed to be glowing, and at first I didn’t know why. The contrast of the natural and the unnatural light was immediately obvious, and had an off-putting feeling. The artificial light was more orange, but harsher, while the natural light was light and grey and calm. The frosted glass made it so that instead of seeing beams of light coming in through the sky light, you saw the hall cast in an ethereal glow. The strangest part of everything was the small lights inside the wall of the skylight. They seemed unnecessary, but were interesting, as the layers of unnatural, natural, and then unnatural light seemed totally out of place and created an almost spaceship-like effect. The light makes me uncomfortable every time I walk through Dempster, but fascinated at the same time.

Light Observation #4

1) 2/18/13 at 10:30pm in the costume shop

2) the solitary light coming from a single sewing machine

3) This light made me feel rather nervous.  It was a pale yellow light that was extremely bright compared to the darkness in the shop.  What made me nervous was not just the implication that if I hadn’t made sure that all the machines were off that Cheryl might have been angry, but the way the light seemed to throw sharp shadows against everything in the room and with these sharp shadows came almost black areas in the shop and in the windows that could hide anything.  I knew that there was no one else in the costume shop because I had been there alone working, but the way the sharp yellow light seemed to catch every wrinkle or corner and threw the rest into shadow made me hurry to turn on the lights again and make sure no one was there.  I usually just walk over to the machine and turn it off, but tonight I didn’t feel safe until I had the lights back on.  Even then, because of the light from the machine, I could not see outside the window so I avoided looking outside until I was safely by the door again.  This light was surprisingly terrifying because I didn’t realize a light so small could fill an entire room and cause so many grotesque shadows to infiltrate the normally boring room.


Photo Observation: Happy


2) Photo taken by Brad Weesner

3) Theme: Happy

4) The light seems to dance across the water gaily.  The bright, almost white, yellow light seems to lighten up the mood as it sparkles and playfully lights up the water.  When light dances across water I am always reminded of summer and swimming in the warm water, wishing for summer never to end.  This light is not cool or even calm, it is energizing and seems to make the atmosphere more upbeat because of the way it lights up the water.  The constant shifting water also changes the light which gives it a dancing quality that is never stagnant.  The light looks like small stars looking up at the viewer and seems to capture the happiness from the moment of warmth and freedom that comes with summer.

Light Observation #3

1. 12 pm 2/9/13 Walking into the netherlands core.

2. It had just snowed the day before so everything in sight was white and the sun was extremely bright and reflecting off the snow.

3. When I walked over to get lunch after trekking through mounds of snow piles, i crossed the street and immediately a blinding glare came to my eyes. The glare came from above and below because of the reflection from the sun’s rays. It felt blinding and even looking for relief inside did not help the blinding glare was disorienting. The snow was everywhere and because it was so sunny outside the snow picked up on all of the sun but instead of using it to melt itslef, the snow caused havoc on the eyes of a bystander.

Photo Observation 3: cold


This photo gave me the feeling of cold due to the heavy shadows in the picture yet the source of light is not visible  You can see the snow still untouched on the ground and on the trees so you can tell the snow was recent so it must still be cold despite there being sunlight.

Photo Observation: Cold



3) Cold

4) People are flexible. They change just as the seasons do, sometimes even changing with the seasons. The influence of the environment can completely change a person, as we are designed to do: adapt. In the hot, dry, summer days we learn to become cool. In freezing winter nights we bundle up to keep warm. While we do change the physical transformation and adaptation is very apparent. Not just in clothing, but also in attitude and spirit. The frigid air washes over skin and turns it to ice as hearts cool and do the same.

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