Archive for February 27th, 2014

Photo Observation #5


3)  Misty

4)  The lighting in this photo displays a misty pathway.  At the top of the photo the colors are more vibrant than anywhere else in the photo.  Towards the middle of the photo you can see the mist entering the picture.  The mist then mutes the color of the photo.  Also there are rays of light entering the picture hitting the barks on the trees.  However, the mist is dispersing the light and it is not hitting the trees in a streak of light making its way through the tree tops.

Journal Entry 5

1) Scorpion Hookah Lounge, 2/25/14, 10:33 PM

2) Objective Description: Colored lights poking through the smokey atmosphere

3) Subjective Description: I exhaled. All around me, smoke twisted and weaved through the air. Looking up, I saw bright red lights coming through the smoke, like the eyes of an evil creature. The smoke caught the beam, causing the light to spread around the room, like ruby slivers in the room. Behind the red light, blacklight peeked through, illuminating the white tapestry that hung from the ceiling, making them look like they were glowing. I sucked in again, soaking in my surroundings, and enjoying the dance of the smoke under the colored lights.


Photo Observation 5




3) Dreamlike, Calm

4) I trudged down the pier, my feet felt like sandbags. The clouds streamed in around my head, making the scene feel like I was approaching the judgment day. The water below me reflected the dark night sky, and I could see shapes moving beneath the water. I could only imagine what lay below the surface of the water- creatures from the darkest corners of my mind. I walked down the pier further, passing the dimly lit benches. Through the clouds, the waning daylight peeked through, reminding that soon, all would be dark and still. I continued on to the end of the pier, where my nightmares awaited in the house at the end. The boathouse, hidden in shadow, was my final destination. Then, I woke up.


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