Archive for March 3rd, 2017

Lighting Observation #5

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Feb 25th, 11pm, Hotel in Jersey

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Everyone else is asleep, I’m trying to get to sleep and the only light in the room is coming from underneath the door until someone else’s phone lights up.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: One strip of light. One. Everything around is peaceful, quiet, as if the world is telling me to go to sleep. Just one light cast upon me, watching over, protecting. I begin to fall into a slumber when suddenly my eyes snap open. The balance in the room has been shaken. A bright glow comes from the floor, it seems to fill the whole room. One little electronic can light up an entire room. How odd. It doesn’t go away immediately, it remains lit, creating harsh shadows all around until finally it dies. And with that I allow sleep to overtake me.

Photo Observation #5

Found at:

Theme: Shadows

I picked this photo because when I think about shadows my mind immediately jumps to shadow puppets. I really like the whole idea of shadow puppets especially ones where you can do them yourself with your hands. I like this photo because it shows the light source that is causing the shadow to be formed. I also really like that you can see all of what is causing the shadow. The shadow surrounded in so much light with little bits of light peeking through where the eyes are is just so satisfying to me.

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