Archive for April, 2017

Four Season Pictures

All colors are Rosco gels.

Fall Sunset in Hawaii:

(Background at

Discussion: I liked the colors that Hawaii is able to reveal through its sunset. The deep purples and reds truly shine through the sun, with the trees only formed through shadows.


  • Bottom R20 25%, R19 25%, R59 50%
  • Top RED 25%, R21 25%, R2009 75%

Model: Ray.

  • R27 FULL at a 0% elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 6ft above deck, 12ft SR, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • R49 50% at 43 degree elevation angle, 17ft above deck, 12ft SR, direct sidelight, 16 foot throw.
  • NC 50% at 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL, 8ft downstage, 16 foot throw.


Spring Sunrise in Long Island:

(Background at

Discussion: What was most interesting was the how these drastically different colors of grey and yellow are shown. Long Island’s lowland beach and misty environment give the sun its contrasting grey-blue shade.


  • Bottom Blue 25%, R21 50%, R313 75%
  • Top R65 full, R97 50%, R14 25%

Model: Lucy-sit-side.

  • R20 FULL at 0 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 6ft above deck, 12ft SR, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • R97 75% at 37 degree elevation angle, 15ft above deck, 12ft SR, direct sidelight, 15 foot throw.
  • R66 FULL 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL 8 downstage, 16 foot throw.


Summer Noon Day in New England:

Discussion: For me, this is a typical day you would see in any place. The only difference is that New England has less clouds in the sky and has the waterfront and light landscape.


  • Bottom: R97 75%, R74 50%
  • Top R74 50%, R98 25%, R65 FULL

Model: Pair3-side.

  • NC FULL at 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, 17ft above deck, centered, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • NC 50% at 27 degree elevation angle, 12 ft above deck, 12 SL and SR, direct sidelight, 13 foot throw.
  • R65 25% at 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL and SR, 8ft downstage, 16 foot throw.
  • R26 25% at 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL and SR, 8ft upstage, 16 foot throw.


Winter Afternoon in Alaska:

Discussion: The snow in the afternoon was turned purple-blue from the lowering sun. Most of the sky is white except  for a light-yellow sun.


  • Bottom R351 50%, R384 50%, R97 50%, BLUE 50%
  • Top R65 50%, R10 50%, R397 75%

Model: Pair3-angle.

  • R97 FULL at 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, 17ft above deck, centered, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • R97 FULL at 23 degree elevation, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12 ft SR, 8ft downstage, 16 foot throw.
  • R65 75% at 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, 17ft above deck, 12ft SR, 8ft upstage, 18 foot throw.
  • R66 FULL at 7 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, 17ft above deck, 12ft SL, 8ft upstage, 18 foot throw.
  • R132 75% at 0 degree elevation, 56 degree back angle, 6ft above deck, 12ft SL, 8ft upstage, 14 foot throw.

Four Seasons Light Lab


1) Fall Sunset in Hawaii

I picked this picture to use as my model for the sunset theme because I admire the purple, orange, and red colors. I find the purple looking magenta color on top to be unique in a way because in person I never seen a sunset with emphasis on red and purple. I love how the water has a reflection of the color red, I find this sunset to be beautiful.


  • AP7750 50% 

27 degree elevation angle

12 ft above deck

12 ft stage left of model

Direct sidelight to model

  • AP8250 75%

37 degree elevation angle

15 ft above deck

12 ft stage left of model

Direct sidelight to model

  • G480 50%

o degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

6 ft above deck

12 ft stage left of model

8 ft downstage of model

  • G460 Full

-19 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

1 ft above deck

12 ft stage left

8 ft downstage


  • Top: AP8750 Full
  • Bottom: G290 Full

2) Spring Sunrise on Long Island 

The sunrise in this picture reminds me of spring because of the of the sky being a soft light blue. The sun also reminds me of a slower and how its blooming from the bright white light in he middle and then expanding into a deep orange.


  • AP4720 75%

48 degree elevation angle

37 degree side angle

17 ft above deck

6 ft stage right of model

8 ft downstage of model

  • AP4750 50%

42 degree elevation

48 degree side angle

17 ft above deck

9 ft stage right of model

8 ft downstage of model

  • AP6400 Full

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree back angle

12 ft stage right of model

8 ft upstage of model

  • G480 Full 

-19 degree elevation angle

56 degree back angle

1 ft above deck

12 ft stage right of model

8 ft upstage of model

  • Ap6400 Full

o degree elevation angle

6 ft above deck

12 ft stage right of model

Direct sidelight

  • AP6200 75%

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

6 ft above deck

12 ft stage right of model

8 ft downstage of model


  • Top: LHT063 50%, AP4870 Full
  • Bottom: LHT021 Full, R19 Full


3) Summer at Noon in England  

I chose this picture to describe summer in England at noon because I like how the sky is a little darker than a baby blue and the sun isn’t giving off a orange or any other color and the clouds are in the sky nice and white. When I see the sky is blue it gives me the feel it is the middle of the day. People are sitting on the grass which is an activity done in nice weather preferably during the day.


  • R10 Full

27 degree elevation angle

12 ft above deck

12 ft stage right of model

Direct sidelight of model

  • G820 Full

48 degree elevation angle

37 degree side angle

17 ft above deck

6 ft stage right of model

8 ft downstage of model

  • L1010 50%

54 degree elevation angle

Direct backlight

17 ft above the deck

Centered on model

8 ft downstage of model

  • G885 Full

48 degree elevation angle

37 degree side angle

17 ft above deck

6 ft stage left of model

8 ft downstage of model

  • Ap4750 Full

90 degree elevation angle

17 ft above deck

Centered on model

Direct downlight on model

  • R12 50%

37 degree elevation angle

15 ft above deck

12 ft stage left of model

Direct sidelight to model


  • Top: L118 Full,  R63 25%
  • Bottom: NC 25%,  L138 Full


4) Winter at noon in Alaska 

I chose this picture for winter in Alaska because the sky is blue and clear of clouds. Since the sky is clear of clouds the snow as a main emphasis for the color white. I like how the sky is blue and then fades into white hitting the mountains. The snow is beautiful and bright and I like how the dogs are running in the snow. It looks like a nice day to build a snowman.


  • AP2140 50% 

75 degree elevation angle

17 ft above deck

3 ft stage right of model

Direct sidelight to model

  • G109 75%

54 degree elevation angle

Direct back light

17 ft above deck

Centered om model

8 ft downstage of model

  • L130 25% 

51 degree elevation angle

17 ft above deck

9 ft stage left of model

Direct sidelight to model

  • G363 Full

43 degree elevation angle

17 ft above deck

12 ft stage left of model

Direct sidelight to model

  • L013 Full 

27 degree elevation angle

12 ft above deck

12 ft stage left of model

Direct sidelight to model


  • Top: AP2000 75%,  AP3450 Full
  • Bottom: NC Full




Four Seasons Lighting Lab Project

Fall Sunset in Hawaii

I chose this picture as an example of a Fall Hawaiian sunset because of the warm colors accented by the tall dark palm tree.  I could feel the warmth of the Hawaiian sun, and felt the colors of the sunset melded together nicely in a way that would make for a nice lighting moment.


-AP8350 75%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-AP7450 75%

*27 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-AP8350 FULL

*0 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-AP7450 25%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-No Gel Color

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct back light centered on model

*8 ft. DS of model


-Top: G345 90%, G250 FULL, G390 0%, G250 FULL

-Bottom: AP7450 25%, G382 FULL, AP8350 70%, AP7330 10%

Spring Sunrise on Long Island

I chose this picture as my Long Island sunrise inspiration because the blush and rose colored beams peaking over the horizon remind me of cherry blossoms in bloom during springtime.  The colors also complemented each other nicely through their soft, pastel tones.


-AP4720 50%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G410 50%

*27 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G250 FULL

*0 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-No Color, 60%

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct back light centered on model

*8 ft. DS of model

-AP6400, FULL

*52 degree elevation angle

*21 degree back angle

*3 ft. SL of model

*8 ft. US of model

-AP7450, 0%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model


-Top: Blue 90%, AP4300 FULL, AP4100 FULL, Blue FULL

-Bottom: G325 75%, G388 10%, G323 25%, AP8840 0%

Summertime Noon in New England

I chose this photo because I think of green grass and nature when I think of New England.  The vibrant colors of the grass, trees and puffy cloud-filled sky felt fresh and relaxing, just like summertime.


-No Color, 50%

*37 degree elevation angle

*56 degree side angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*8 ft. DS of model

-AP4720 FULL

*0 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G740, 50%

*-23 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G390 FULL

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct backlight entered on model

*8 ft. DS of model

-No Color, 50%

*42 degree elevation angle

*48 degree side angle

*9 ft. SL of model

*8 ft. DS of model


-Top: AP4300 FULL, G850 25%, G855 50%, AP3540 50%

-Bottom: G870 50%, GHT254 75%, AP410050%, G83525%

Winter Afternoon in Alaska

I chose this photo because I felt it reflected two major parts of Alaska: fishing and snow.  I really love the way the sun contours and reflects off of the snow covered mountains, and used that angle of light as inspiration for my lighting.


-No Color FULL

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct back light centered on model

*8 ft. DS of model

-G870 FULL

*43 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G810 50%

*27 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model


-Top: G810 25%, G810 50%, G810 25%, G810 50%

-Bottom: G810 FULL, G785 FULL, G810 FULL, L174 75%

Virtual Light Lab: Four Seasons

  1. Fall Sunset in Hawaii

The picture above was my inspiration. I liked the deep purples and bright oranges and how the clouds cover the middle section.


  • AP7450 FULL

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree back angle

12? stage right of model

8′ upstage of model

  • AP7450 FULL

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage right of model

8′ downstage of model

  • AP7450 FULL

54 degree elevation angle

Direct back light

8′ upstage of model

  • G990 75%

23 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model

  • G990 25%

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model


  • Top: G150 50%, G890 Full, G915 Full
  • Bottom: AP7450 Full, AP8250 Full

2. Spring Sunrise on Long Island

I chose this picture because I loved the contrast between the blue and the oranges and yellows. I also love that it is on the water and the way in which the sun is reflected.


  • G335 75%

23 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage right of model

8′ downstage of model

  • G450 75%

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree back angle

12′ stage right of model

8′ upstage of model

  • G315 90%

-19 degree elevation angle

56 degree back angle

12′ stage right of model

8′ upstage of model

  • G840 75%

32 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model

  • G882 30%

23 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model


Top: G790 75%, G890 Full, G915 Full

Bottom: G450 50%, G245 Full, G315 Full


3. Noon on a Summer Day in New England

I chose this picture because to me, summer means going to the beach. I love the vastness of the ocean and how long the boardwalk seems to be.


  • G785 40%

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage right of model

8′ downstage of model

  • AP7350 75%

48 degree elevation angle

37 degree side angle

6′ stage right of model

8′ downstage of model

  • G720 50%

54 degree elevation angle

Direct Backlight

8′ upstage of model

  • G790 FULL

48 degree elevation angle

37 degree side angle

6′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model

  • G880 25%

0 degree elevation

56 degree side angle

12′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model


Top: G790 50%, G915 Full

Bottom: No color 75%, G840 Full


4. Winter Afternoon in Alaska

I chose this picture as reference because I liked that you can see the mountains in the background and the color of the sky makes you feel how cold it is.


  • AP4400 50%

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage right of model

8′ downstage of model

  • AP7250 70%

37 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage right of model

8′ downstage of model

  • AP3400 75%

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

9′ stage right of model

8′ stage left of model

  • AP4500 20%

37 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model

  • AP6600 50%

0 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12′ stage left of model

8′ downstage of model


Top: AP2080 25%, AP3550 Full, AP3450 Full, AP3400 50%

Bottom: AP3300 Full, AP2180 Full

Virtual Light Lab: Four Seasons

1.) A Fall Sunset in Hawaii 

I used the picture above as inspiration. I loved the wide range of colors in Hawaiian sunsets. In the light lab I wanted to bring out the purples and orange colors seen in the sunset.


  • AP2200 FULL

27 degree elevation angle

Direct sidelight

12′ stage right of model

  • AP2190 FULL

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

6′ stage right of model

16′ downstage of model

  • AP8440 25%

14 degree elevation angle

direct backlight

16’downstage of model

6′ stage right of model

  • AP3700 50%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ downstage of model

6′ stage left of model


  • Palm tree silhouette
  • Top:  AP3700 Full, AP8440 25%
  • Bottom: AP2190 50%, AP2190 Full


2.) Spring Sunrise on Long Island 

I loved the contrast between the calm blue sky and the yellow/orange that is starting to peak through. I put orange light at the bottom to mimic the sun rising into the blue sky.


  • AP4700 76%

35 degree elevation angle

direct backlight

16′ down stage of model

centered on model

  • AP2190 72%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

6′ stage right of model

16′ downstage of model

  • AP7400 25%

14 degree elevation angle

direct backlight

centered on model

16′ down stage of model

  • AP7350 14%

13 elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ down stage of model

6′ stage left of model


  • Top: AP4680 Full
  • Bottom: AP2190 50%, AP6400 25%, AP2190 50%


3.) Noon on a hot Summer day in New England

I used all blue light to show the clear, cloudless day by the shore that one may have in New England on a nice afternoon.


  • AP2220 FULL 

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ SR of model

  • AP3500 50%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ downstage of model

6′ stage right of model

  • AP2100 75%

14 degree elevation angle

direct backlight to model

centered on model

16′ down stage of model

  • AP2010 FULL

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ stage left of model


  • Top: AP1900 full
  • Bottom: AP4750 25%, AP4750 full

4.)Winter afternoon in Alaska

I decided to use a more icy blue for this image, found just above the trees in the photo I used for inspiration. The blue fades up into white to mimic light shining off of the top of the snow covered mountain.


  • G320 25%

31 degree elevation angle

29 degree side angle

16′ down stage of model

9′ stage right of model

  • G343 75%

37 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

8′ downstage of model

12′ stage right model

  • G780 75%

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ stage right of model

  • G431 50%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ down stage of model

6′ stage right of model

  • G430 FULL

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ stage left of model


  • Top: G785 full, R

Photo Observation

Theme: Summer

I took this picture myself at Universal. This has a really summery feeling to me because of the way the sunlight is hitting the brick walls, which are already a very warm color as it is. All the light bouncing off the brick walls and shining through the skylights gives it a very warm welcoming tone. Overall it just feels like the atmosphere is sort of like the peak of the summer where you can see the heat rising off the streets/

Light Observation

Location: Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 4/8/17

Time: Like 2pm?

Objective Description: The opening number had a series of moving spotlights that were just really, REALLY, cool.

Subjective: For each character named in the opening number, they had their own spotlight at a separate point on stage. It made me feel like each character was in their own little universe, never touching, never interacting. It felt really lonely, and cold, but also really prestigious and grand.

Light Observation

  1. Thursday, April 13th, 8:12pm; NAB Black Box Theatre
  2. Looking up to see all of the work lights above the grid on.
  3. While sitting at rehearsal for the Dance Concert, I happened to look up and notice the Black Box in way that I never had before: all of the work lights were on, and it created a jungle-like effect.  Jungle-like in the way that vines hang in the jungle; the beam spreads of all of the different scoops and cans and florescents crossed and intertwined with each other – it looked messy, but it was messy in a pleasing and satisfying way.  It made me realize that there is art in not only the actual lighting of a space, but there is also art simply within the instruments as well, if you look close enough.

Light Observation

6:10 AM  April 12, 2017   My room, Hofstra University

Light coming in from the window during the sun rising.  A soft orange color lightly coloring the inside of my room and shining through the window.  Very warm and subtle light.

At a time in which I am about to fall asleep the angelic light gracefully touches my room.  The bed is lightly grazed with soft orange sunlight that glows from the window.  Leaving the shutters completely open had allowed the sun to come in unfiltered.  It freely expanded into the room with the subtle hint that the day had begun.

Photo Observation

Photo taken by me


The harsh sunlight brightly washes over the scene.  The colors of the flowers stand bright with the fun reflections of the pin reminding me of the place I always go in the summer.  A mini golfing place right down the street to me has the same wooden boundaries with brightly colored flowers and little metallic pinwheels.  There’s something really fun about the pinwheel, it’s a cheesy addition to the beauty of nature right next to it.

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