Archive for April 6th, 2018

Light Observation

1) April 4, sunset, my room

2) Outside my window, there is a parking lot, and past that, as the sun was setting, it silhouetted trees painting it in a beautiful gradient from blue to orange.

3) The sunset was breathtaking in the number of hues and gradient across the sky.  While the sunset was beautiful, the silhouette of the trees and the almost lacy nature of branches against the blue and orange hues and the gradient between the two gave the trees an even prettier and more delicate look.


4 Seasons Virtual Light Lab

Fall sunset in Vermont

Lights used: cyc lights (top nc@ 25%, top red @ 75%, top green @ 40%, top blue @ 10% bottom nc@25% , bottom red @ 10%, bottom green @0%, bottom blue @ 30%)

  1. Back light- R16 @ 75%- 54 degree elevation, 17 ‘ above deck, centered on model 8’ upstage of model 14’ throw
  2. front/ top light- R16@ 50%- 14 degree elevation, 10’ above deck centered on model 16’ downstage of model 16’ throw
  3. The colors of the cyc portray the sunset, whereas the little light on the model illustrates the backlit nature of sunsets.

Spring Sunrise in Gothic Cathedral

Cyc lights (top nc@ 50%, top red @ 40%, top green @ 30% , top blue @ 0% bottom nc@75% , bottom red @ 0%, bottom green @ 0%, bottom blue @ 75%)

  1. Front light- nc @50% 35 degree elevation 17’ above deck, centered on model 16’ downstage of model, 19’ throw
  2. front/ sr light- R303@75%, 48 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle, 17’ above deck, 6’ SR of model, 8’ DS of model 15’ throw
  3. Front/ SL light- R60 @50%, 17’ above deck, 9’ SL of model, Direct Sidelight to model, 14’ throw
  4. The progression in cool to warm colors (bottom to top) on the backdrop portray the colors seen in a sunrise, whereas the balance of warm and cool colors on the model portrays the rising of the sun and the warmth and cool nature of a sunrise.

Summer noon in Hawaii

(Blue Cyc) Cyc lights (top nc@ 75%, top red @ 0%, top green @ 0% , top blue @ 75% bottom nc@50% , bottom red @ 40%, bottom green @ 30%, bottom blue @ 20%)

  1. Front SL (AP)- R03@50%- 33 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle, 17’ above deck, 6’ SL of model, 16’ DS model, 20’ throw
  2. Front Nc@50%, 54 degree elevation, 17’ above deck, Centered on model, 8’ ds of model, 14’ throw
  3. Top SR @75%- 51 degree elevation angle, 17’ above deck, 9’ SR of model, Direct sidelight to model 14’ throw
  4. The blue-green nature of water, whereas the color on the model portrays the warmth of the sun as well as the cool nature of water. 


Winter afternoon in North Dakota

Cyc lights (top nc@ 50%, top red @ 25%, top green @ 30% , top blue @ 30% bottom nc@ 75% , bottom red @ 20%, bottom green @ 25%, bottom blue @ 10%)

  1. Front SL (AP)- R62@60%- 29 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle, 17’ above deck, 12’ SR of model, 16’ DS model, 23’ throw
  2. Top SR R03@60%- 29 degree elevation angle 37 degree side angle, 17’ above deck, 12’ SR of model, 16’ downstage of model, 23’ throw
  3. Back light R13@60%, 54 degree elevation,direct back light 17’ above deck, Centered on model, 8’ US of model, 14’ throw
  4. Front foot light R13@30%, -37 degree elevation, 0’ above deck, Centered on model, 8’ ds of model, 10’ throw
  5. The darker- nature of the top of the backdrop of cyc shows how the sun is setting, and the warmer toned light on the model portrays the warm nature of a sunset.

Four Seasons

A Fall sunset in Vermont

The colors of the backdrop portrays the color of the sunset while the lights on Lucy are darker but still amber like a normal sunset tends to be.



  • Gel: AP3300
  • Intensity: 63%
  • Angle: 61 degree, front side


  • Gel: AP2180
  • Intensity: Full
  • Angle: 54 degree, direct backlight


  • Gel: AP2140
  • Intensity: 65%
  • Angle: 61 degree, front side

4) Backdrop

  • Top
    • Gel: AP3600
    • Intensity: 20%
    • Gel: AP3550
    • Intensity: 70%
  • Bottom
    • Gel: AP2190
    • Intensity: 30%
    • Gel: AP7350
    • Intensity: 66%

Spring Sunrise in a Gothic Cathedral

Here, the colors of the backdrop showcase the sunrising behind a gothic cathedral. Them, the lights on Ray are as if the sun is shining in from windows of the cathedral.



  • Gel: AP2180
  • Intensity: 25%
  • Angle: 33 elevation, 21 degree side angle, front


  • Gel: AP2120
  • Intensity: 44%
  • Angle:48 elevation, 37 side angle, front


  • Gel: R313
  • Intensity: 61%
  • Angle: 90 degree elevation angle, direct on top


  • Gel: G970
  • Intensity: 88%
  • Angle: 48 elevation, 37 side, front


  • Gel: RE217
  • Intensity: 63%
  • Angle: 37 elevation, side boom

6) Backdrop

  • Top
    • Gel: G970
    • Intensity: full
  • Bottom
    • Gel: L015
    • Intensity: 14%
    • Gel: AP6400
    • Intensity: 87%

Noon on a hot Summer day in Hawaii

In this moment the backdrop is bright blue to show the summer sky, then the lights on the couple are bright and warm to show case how it is a hot afternoon day.



  • Gel: R09
  • Intensity: 78%
  • Angle: 52 elevation, 21 side, front


  • Gel: AP2020
  • Intensity: 92%
  • Angle: 52 elevation, 21 side, front


  • Gel: RE013
  • Intensity: 42%
  • Angle: 17 elevation, 37 side, box booms

4) Backdrop

  • Top
    • Gel: R361
    • Intensity: full
  • Bottom
    • Gel: R363
    • Intensity: full

Winter afternoon in North Dakota

The cool toned lighting leads to an overall cold image. The backdrop color on the top is pastel blue to show the afternoon sky, but white near the bottom to show how it may be snowing.



  • Gel: AP3520
  • Intensity: 81%
  • Angle: 42 degree elevation angle, 48% side angle, front


  • Gel: L205
  • Intensity: Full
  • Angle: 52 elevation, 21 side, front


  • Gel: L203
  • Intensity: 42%
  • Angle: 23 elevation, 56 side, boom

4) Backdrop

  • Top
    • gel: R361
    • Intensity:79%
    • gel: R361
    • Intensity: 32%
    • gel: L278
    • Intensity:37%
  • Bottom
    • gel: NC
    • Intensity: 78%
    • gel: R363
    • Intensity: 85%

Virtual Light Lab Project

  1. A Fall Sunset in Vermont

The warm background colors remind me of the changing of the leaves during fall. Not quite earthy but not quite summer tones are the colors that encompass the fall atmosphere


25% intensity

52 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

17 feet above deck

3 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

14 foot throw


25% intensity

52 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

3ft stage left of the model

8ft down stage of the model

14 foot throw


75% intensity

27 degree elevation angle

12ft above deck

12ft sr of model

Direct side light to model

13 ft throw


25% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down stage of model

16 foot throw


25% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage left of the model

8 feet downstage of the model

16 f00t throw

2. Spring Sunrise

Spring is the season that provides more of a pastel palette to nature. I tried to incorporate some pastel flowery colors directly onto the model.


50% intensity

27 degree elevation angle

12 feet above the deck

12 feet stage right of the model

Direct sidelight to the model

13 foot throw


50% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down sage of model

16 foot throw


50% intensity

90 degree elevation angle

17 feet above the deck

Center on the model

Direct downlight on model

11 foot throw


50% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage left of the model

8 feet downstage of model

16 foot throw


75% intensity

27 degree elevation angle

12 feet above the deck

12 feet stage left of the model

Direct sidelight of model

13 foot throw

Fall sunset


25% intensity

52 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

3 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

14 foot throw


25% intensity

52 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

3 feet stage left of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

14 foot throw


75% intensity

27 degree elevation angle

12 feet above the deck

12 feet stage right of the model

Direct side light to the model

13 foot throw


25% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

16 foot throw


25% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage left of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

16 foot throw

3. Hot Summer in Hawaii

Warm colors are most common to show up in Hawaii. Hawaiian flowers are vibrant and plentiful, so I tried to incorporate some of those colors directly onto the model. I also equate Hawaii with relaxation, so I wanted calming colors to be present.


75% intensity

27 degree elevation angle

12 feet above the deck

12 feet stage right of the model

Direct side light to the model

13 foot throw


25% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

16 foot throw

RE 007

25% intensity

52 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

3 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down stage of model

14 foot throw


25% intensity

52 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

3 feet stage left of model

8 feet down stage of the model

14 foot throw


25% intensity

42 degree elevation angle

48 degree side angle

17 feet above the deck

9 feet stage left of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

16 feet throw


75% intensity

27 degree elevation angle

12 feet above the deck

12 feet stage left of model

Direct side light to model

13 foot throw


4. Winter in North Dakota

Winter is a season that tends to imply cooler tones, considering the cool temperatures. I used white for the bottom of the background to look snowy since North Dakota is a state that gets a lot of snow in winter. I added pale blues and yellows to show a little bit of sun coming through onto the model.


75% intensity

23 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12 feet above the deck

12 feet stage right of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

16 foot throw


75% intensity

75 degree elevation angle

17 feet above the deck

3 feet stage right of the model

Direct sidelight to the model

11 foot throw


75% intensity

75 degree elevation angle

17 feet above the deck

3 feet stage left of the model

Direct sidelight to the model

11 foot throw


75% intensity

23 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

12 feet above the deck

12 feet stage left of the model

8 feet down stage of the model

16 foot throw