Archive for the tag 'Allofthecolors'

Photo Observation


2. Dealer’s choice – fireworks

3. I started thinking about what we had not done in class and came up with fire. Which led me to sparklers, which led me to fireworks. Then I found this picture and I loved it. It is so bright and colorful just like fireworks are and so interesting. I love hoe the water reflects light and the colors of the fireworks as well as the tree. It is just so bright and saturated that I really like it. The lights over the beach are like an orange color so they add more color while the city in the background is all lit up. It is a very busy image light wise but that is why I like it. There is no natural lighting, it is all lights from all different sources with different colors and it is just plain awesome.

Four Seasons – Lee Moore

Fall Sunset in Vermont








Top- R83-25%, L713-25%, L119-25%, 67/95-25%

Bottom- R2003-25%, G250-25%, R2008-25%, RE179-25%


Top Light:

G350 – 100%, 37° elevation angle, 56°  side angle

LHT713 – 25%, 37° elevation angle, 56° back angle

L071 – 25%, 54°  elevation angle, direct back light

L120 – 25%, 37° elevation angle, 56° back angle

G410 – 100%, 37° elevation angle, 56° side a


Stage Left Side Light

AP7450 – 50%, -19° elevation angle, 56° back angle

G170 – 100%,  -23° elevation angle

L106 – 100%, -19° elevation angle, 56° side angle


Stage Right Side Light

AP8730 – 100%, 27° elevation angle

L020 – 100%,  -19° elevation angle, 56° back angle

L027 – 100%, -23° elevation angle

L024 – 100%, -19° elevation angle, 56° side angle


This sunset is the dark blurple of night sky as it fades gently into the fiery leaves of fall in Vermont, with the last bright glow of yellow sun highlighting the downstage woman before it disappears, leaving only starlight and the harvest moon behind.


Easter Sunrise in a Gothic Cathedral







Top- AP2310 – 25%, RE209 – 25%, 0/0 – 75%, RE122 – 25%

Bottom- G1518 – 25%, L299 – 25%, G855 – 75%, RE090 – 25%


Top Light:

R4730 – 25%, 48° elevation angle, 37° side angle, with template

G170 – 50%, 54° elevation angle, direct backlight, with template

R34 – 25%, 48° elevation angle, 37° side angle

R4560 – 50%, 42° elevation angle, 48° side angle, with template


Stage Left Side Light:

G103 – 100%, 37 ° elevation angle

AP3600 – 100%, 32° elevation angle, 56° side angle


Stage Right Side Light:

AP3400 – 100%, 32° elevation angle, 56° side angle

AP8730 – 50%,  37° elevation angle, with template

The first rays of sun as they cross through old rose windows leave gothic cathedrals lit in lavender and forget me not, with elaborate patterns reflected on the floor and pews from the myriad of picture lines all across each window. The hope of new life, written all over the faces of the believers, in tiny triangles of pink and gold.


Noon on a Hot Summer Day in the Caribbean







Top:  G835 – 50%, G780 – 25%, G848 – 50%, AP4350 – 50%

Bottom: AP4900 – 75%, AP4650 – 75%, AP5600 – 75%, RE090 – 75%


Top Light:

LHT010 – 50%,  37° elevation angle, 56° side angle

NC – 50%, 42° elevation angle, 48° side angle

AP6400 – 50%, 61° elevation angle

R13 – 100%, 54° elevation angle

AP6200 – 50%, 61° elevation angle

R96 – 50%, 37° elevation angle, 56° side angle


Stage Left Side Light:

R369 – 50%, 23° elevation angle, 56° side angle

NC – 50%, 0° elevation angle


Stage Right Side Light:

R376 – 50%, 23° elevation angle, 56° side angle

NC – 50%, 0° elevation angle


The Caribbean is perfect, bright bright blues over sea green water, with nothing but the hot sun to separate the two, it is all blindingly saturated color, that seems to bake right through your skin and turn your insides to sunshine.

Winter Afternoon







Top – AP2320 – 50%, G780 – 25%, G848 – 50%, AP2330 – 50%

Bottom –  G107 – 75%, G108 – 75%, G109 – 75%, G155 – 75%


Top Light:

AP2330 – 100%, 75° elevation angle

NC – 100%, 54° elevation angle, direct back light

G888 – 100%, 75° elevation angle

G880 – 100%,  42° elevation angle, 48° side angle


Stage Left Side Lights :

AP2330 – 100%, 32° elevation angle, 56° side angle


Stage Right Side Light:

NC – 100%,  32° elevation angle, 56° side angle


People seem to think of winter as so grey and dark, when in reality is is just as bright sun as summer, just with a cooler tone. All of the sunlight feels white, brisk, against a sky that hasn’t quite figured out how to be blue, and as the snow begins to fall, the blanket it creates leaves the world feeling warm and pink-cheeked

Photo Observation!


THEME: Spring!

One of the biggest signs of spring for me is the smells. Washington is covered with floral life, flowers and trees and greenery, oh my! So when spring rolls around there is an abundance of fragrances from the various flowers in the area. Spring also brings with it Seattle’s ever-present precipitation, but this time it’s floral-scented. This picture really captures spring for me, with flowering trees and last night’s rain visible on the street and all of the bright, warm, saturated colors. Everything is overexposed and radiant, from the sky to the sunlight reflected in the damp of the concrete, as well as what caught the orange bug the night before. Everything is gleaming and brilliant and renewed – just like spring.

Photo Observation 8, Lee Moore, SPRINGTIME!






















2. Photo from Flickr user CubaGallery


4. Spring is all about colors (Everything is about colors for me, but I digress). Spring is sunshine yellow, and lime green, hot pink and that perfect sky blue that you only see in springtime and in the crayola box. The astonishing brightness of this photo is what really makes it say Spring to me. The lightness overwhelms you, filling your chest with that tingling feeling you get when your emotions are too much for your words. The light catches the tops of daisies, poking out of the shadows of winter. The photo catches the butterfly as it flits off to new things. It has woken up, and has much to do, and much to see before this ephemeral season passes. The blue is just the color of that Florida water from spring break your senior year, and the green is the smell of grass pressed too close to your face that one time you swung high on the hammock and landed nose first on the lawn. The white is the sun blindness from the beach, and that orange. That orange is sunflowers, tangerines and the way your skin feels after laying on the quad under the sunshine. That feeling when the heat glows so bright on your skin that you could swear that you yourself was a sun. The first days of spring, when the crocuses and daffodils poke their brave noses out of the cold dirt. That starts the sparkles of your eyes. The colors are all the brighter for winter without them. Spring, and this photo, remind the heart that it can beat a little freer.

Photo Observation #6


3. Vibrant, Colorful, Saturated

4. When I saw this picture, I literally spoke out loud “Wow.” The combined colors coming from one place and being reflected by the water was really a great image to me. Also when the colors are reflected in the water, you don’t see the clouds so it’s just all of the colors from the source of light that you see. Also you see colors in other areas in the sky, not just from the direct source, and I thought that was really interesting and contributed an even better effect. Now I know what it would look like if you combined all the colors of the rainbow and jumbled them all together.