Archive for the tag 'beach'

Bizarre Photo Observation

Travel Tips and Inspiration


The blue bioluminescent water reaching onto the shore is a mystifying and unusual sight. The majestic blue neon sharply outlines the waterline as the waves crash on to the beach. Additionally, the warm yellow sunset sharpens the blue tones even further, establishing a beautiful contrast. This moment is bizarre in that the water, through science, is dramatic in its blue tones, and the sunset is absurdly yellow.




Theme: Sunset/Sunrise

I was feeling a little homesick so I decided look through some of my favorite pictures from the past year when I came across a picture from our “Senior Sunset,” a day in which all the seniors in my class met up at a local beach to see the sunset. This photo especially reminded me of the beautiful sunset we watched that night sitting on those rocks. I remember the sun being such a vibrant gold that it almost hurt to watch, but you had to in order to see the rest of the pinks and purples hovering over the horizon. I remember it feeling surreal to witness something so beautiful.


Google image of Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk

I chose this photo because this is summer to me. The boardwalk in Rehoboth is just about the only place to go in the summer that isn’t just a beach, and I spend 6 out of the 7 days a week working here. There is a serenity yet a lot of movement in this photo. There may be no people crowded like normal but the orange clouds in the sky feel like a swarm of people rushing in and the blue sky is being trampled by it yet remains beautiful. The white lights of the street lamps draw focus because of their lack of color. The iconic Dolle’s sign is a pop of dark orange next to the peach color of the sky, creating a nice contrast.

Photo Observation: Night Life


2) This photo is from a family vacation to Turks and Caicos, taken by me. It was late at night, sometime after dinner.

3) THEME: Night Life

4) DESCRIPTION: When people think of night life, they think of partying, bright lights in dark rooms and a fun time. However, on most nights, life is pretty still. The moon was so bright this night, that the ocean reflected it and my 2017 phone granulated it, illuminating the image. If I could spend every night at the beach I would. This is the night life I want, especially in these times.


Photo Observation 3

A photo of the shore, taken by me in January 2017
This photo was taken at night, so the light was fading out for the day. However, there was still enough light present to help illuminate the water and mist, but not enough to really give it a sharp or clear light source. Everything has a blue tone to it, as a result of the light that is present, which might not seem overtly obvious at first, but once you look closer, you’ll realize. Looking at how empty the beach is, really helps to emulate one of the words I most associate with cold: barren, because you often won’t see any life around when it gets too cold.

Photo Observation 2- Tiffany

  1. From: Kylie Hope Photography
  2. Theme: shadows
  3.  The sun shines on the eight people, slightly casting them in a back light as they jump.  Their shadows are cast on the sand they are jumping from.  Due to the angle of the light, the shadows of the people appear distorted, for some, their shadows appear shorter compared to others where they are longer.

Photo Observation #2 – Shadows

  1. Found on
  2. Theme: Shadows
  3. While the picture itself is very simple and self-explanatory, I was drawn to it by the shadow presented. The sun, while not visible in the photo, is shining down from behind the bird and displaying a shadow of spreading wings, as if ready to take flight. However, the bird is in a relaxed and stationary position. Perhaps this could reflect the natural desire for a living creature to “spread their wings and “soar,” as a means of reaching true potential. Creatures such as birds are already capable of flight, but maybe those usually stuck on the ground, could be inspired by this photo to feel as though they are flying and nothing can bring them down.


Photo Observation #10

Taken from:


I chose this because when I think of summer I think of the beach and sunsets and no cares. I think this photo really summarizes that all up. I really like the sun is the main focus. I really like how it’s the only light source and how its changing the color of everything. It makes the sky and the water orangey. It has a very calm feeling about the whole picture and I really like that about it.

Photo Observation


  1. I choose this picture from my phone and it was taken when me and my little sister were at the beach in Rye Playland around August.
  2. Summer
  3. When I think of summer I absolutely think of the beach, mostly because it is my favorite place. Besides the fact I love the beach I choose this picture for other reasons. You can see where the sun is coming from on the right side of the picture because how bright my face is and how much darker my sister’s body is because she is turned away from the light. I can tell the time this photo was taken because of the direction of the sun. When the sun was on the left it was morning and as the day got later it shifted to the right. Considering the sun is on the right side it was most likely late afternoon around 3 or 4. I also love on the the sun makes a reflection os me and my sister in the wet sand. This photo also reminds me of when I would sit by the shore line and admire the rocks and when the sun shine hit the rocks it would shine brightly like crystals. The shinning rocks would be my favorite lighting moment in the summer.

Beach Sunset

  1. I took this photo on January 4th, 2017 at 4:14 pm on Plum Island in Massachusetts.
  2. Sunrise/Sunset
  3. My friend who had recently moved to Indiana came to visit for a few days and she wanted to go to the beach after having been landlocked for so many months. The sunset was very peaceful and light. I had seen better, but this one felt very special and comforting. Light pink clouds took up half the sky and reflected on the surface of the cold water. It was freezing on the beach, but it is the only place we wanted to be.

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