Archive for the tag 'blanket'

Lighting Moment #1

Date/Time/ Place: Monday Jan 30th 4:30pm Playhouse parking lot

Objective: The sun is starting to set over the houses next to the NAB shining against the side of the playhouse

Subjective: The angle of this light gives a unique view to this side of the playhouse. We all walk by it everyday and more times than not this side is in shadow. The position of the sun is equal with the playhouse thus the light has to go through some obstacles before hitting the building. These shadows are much softer than the enveloping shadow that generally hides that side of the building and because of the softness the shadows seem to be caught mid jump. The large scale wash of nearly equal light gives a weight to the light, it seems grounded and welcoming. The color is not only supplied by the tan brick but works in conjunction with the amber light to give off a calming feeling. The story  behind this moment that caught me was the way the light seemed to be putting a blanket over the building and tucking it in for the night as a mother would do with her child.