Archive for the tag 'cave'

  1. DATE: 03/29/22
  2. TIME: 8:00 pm
  3. LOCATION: Picture of Cave in El Salvador
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: There is this beautiful beach back in my country called Playa “El Tunco” where we go with my family every year. I was looking at a picture of it and there is this cave that me and my siblings always go to and it was really nice to remember how the inside of the cave and being in the shade felt. From the angle that we were standing it seemed the light was coming from the front but it was actually coming from the left side.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Being in the shade brought a feeling of calmness and peace. I also thought that it made everything that was outside the shade even brighter. Because of the angle of where we were standing it made it seem that the light was coming from the front (in relation to where we were standing) but instead it was coming from the left side. When you are in a darker space and looking to a place with more light the contrast makes everything that is bright even brighter and same goes to the dark side of it.

Photo Observation

Colorful Caves Photographs Of China_007

Theme: saturated, colorful

This is a picture from the Reed Flute Caves in China. I chose this photo because I found it interesting how they had used fake lighting to make the already incredible natural phenomenon more striking. The lights help to display the interesting formations and textures of the cave, and also reflect off of the water so the cave seems even more mystical.

Cold Picture

Robert Andrew’s Flickr

Cold Picture 1, Ice Cave

As the sunlight passes through the various thicknesses of ice in this cave, it creates a wide range of blue lights. From pale blue to nearly seafoam green to a deep royal blue, the  smooth reflective surface shines. The light appears to emanate from the ice itself, giving it a luminescent quality. The blue tint of the sunlight radiates a cold feeling throughout the cave and the photo.