Archive for the tag 'hallway'

Light Observation

1.) Lowe 2nd floor April 18th 2018 11:30pm.

2.) While working in Lowe 216 last night with some other sophomores, the power went out all of a sudden. We packed our things and went to exit the building. When we got out into the hallway the emergency lights and exit signs were on. The doors had all auto closed as well. The emergency lights in the hallway were cumming from the middle top of the right side wall and had two medium flood parnell. They were very cool in temperature, and were strongest in the middle of the hallway. Directly under and the ceiling above were almost a cool blue, and the floor underneath reflected the light back up cratered a glare on the floor.

3.) The whole scene reminded of the opening scene to the walking dead season 1 opener. The main character wakes up in the hospital after a zombie apocalypses has destroyed the world an as he wanders the hallways lit by emergency lighting, he moves twords some doors barred shut that read “Dead Inside” written in blood. It was very creepy, after taking some pictures to remind me of the lighting I ran out of the building.

Photo Observation 6




This photo terrifies me. I think there’s a theme in images that scare me– I’m afraid of lack of visibility and even though this area is well lit, the visibility for what’s around the corner at the end of the hallway is not available. I also hate fluorescent lights because they make me feel self-conscious, nervous, and under pressure. I think the lights in this hallway are also set up to encourage movement– I get the sense that there’s no choice when you enter this hallway, you can’t go back. You have to go to the end.

Light Observation 6

1) Feb 16, ~10:30 PM; Winthrop University Hospital

2) Partially lit hallways

3) I was navigating the halls of the local hospital, of which I am completely unfamiliar. I was trying to find my way back to the entrance, and at each intersection of hallways I would look around to see if I could find clues to get back to the waiting room. It was the end of a long day and my contacts were getting fuzzy, so I wasn’t reading very well and had to rely on my memory of shapes and light to get me back. I noticed that my first instinct in my trip around the hallways was to take the most well-lit route. I was nervous about halls that weren’t well-lit. I felt like I had no place in being there. I got the same sense of nervousness when I passed under a section of lights that were off or had burned out. The trip made me think about how our sense of direction relies on light and how we can direct someone’s movement through the manipulation of light– even if the light never moves or changes. I also realized that visibility isn’t just an on/off switch that affects our understanding of the environment, but that varying levels of visibility can affect our emotional connection with our environment.

Light Observation

1) 3/5/14, 8:14 pm, Liberty Hall

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Me noticing the harsh fluorescent bulbs in the hallway.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I walked down the hallway, ecstatic after finally getting the email I had been waiting so long for. In my heightened sense, my vision was extremely sharp. Turning into the hallway, I looked at what was in front of me. The entire hallway was lit with harsh, dirty, fluorescent bulbs. The light cast a gross yellow light on the beige walls, giving the hallway the appearance of what one would think of as an insane asylum. For the first time, I realized just how nasty this lighting is.



Lighting Observation 1, Week 10

Where/ When:  Lower level of Memorial Hall, midday.

Objective Description:  Fluorescent-lit hallway.

Subjective Description:  The narrow hall was lit entirely from above with fluorescent lights, which gave it a whiteish yellow glow.  You could see a reflection of the lights on the tile floor all the way down the hall.  The hallway looked like it was going to go on forever, which gave it the feeling of a horror movie, when something bad is going to happen and you’d be chased down the hallway.  It was a very creepy hallway.