Archive for the tag 'In the Spotlight'

Photo Observation 11

1. Screen shot 2013-04-19 at 2.13.32 AM


3) THEME: In the Spotlight

4) DESCRIPTION: I was drawn to how mysterious this feels. Usually one of the main purposes of a spotlight is to highlight the specific details of a person’s face, but in this case it is serving the exact opposite purpose. Yet your attention is still called to the lead singer none the less.

Screen shot 2013-04-19 at 7.51.53 AM

Photo Observation: In the Spotlight




3) In the Spotlight

4) The goal of “natural” lighting is to recreate an environment occuring around us. Most of what we think of as light is centered around the sun shining on an object. In this picture, the sun is shining into the depths of the ocean, giving a window into the mysterious deep. With such a huge environment it’s impossible for the sun to illuminate everything, so it becomes much more of a focus light in a specific area. The vastness creates an opportunity to creating and pull focus

Photo Observation #11

1) In the Spotlight PhotoPlan View of In the Spotlight


3) This woman is the main focus. There is no question about her being the center of this picture, and she knows it. The way the light hits her face and casts a shadow from her jaw emphasizes the tilt in her head and how she seems to know that she is the focus. The other great thing about this picture is her shadow. With the angle that it is, it is below her. It suggests to me that she is above all, including her own shadow.