Archive for the tag 'Lighting'

Lighting Observation #8

1) 3/16/13, 10:30am, Queensborough Community College

2) The sun shining on the upper left hand side of the sky through a quarter of theĀ  right hand side of the window in the classroom.

3) I was up at 5:30am that morning and driving to work was dismal and quiet. Throughout the early part of the morning, the sky expressed a sign of quietness and darkness. Then, at 10:30am, the sun came out and it changed the whole mood of the day. I felt more awake and had more energy than I did earlier that morning. Considering it was supposed to snow that day, seeing the sun was a surprise to me.

Lighting moment #1


1)1/30/13 7pm outside Vander Poel dorm

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: There was an incredibly bright lampost next to a dim sunset that made the lamp seem all the more brighter.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It was an odd moment where the sun was starting to set so the world was getting dark then suddenly an ultra bright light comes on and illuminates the area. The light was bright enough to make the sun feel dim in comparision. The lamp almost felt like a mini sun at first, giving a powerful feeling light off in its small area.

Light Observation:

Date, Time, Location: Tuesday April 26th, 2011; 10:10 PMish, RVC, on a street w/ many bars and stuff

Objective Description: store lights shining on the floor at night.

Subjective Description: driving home from the train station I notice a rainbow of color on the floor and blinding neon lights in my peripherals. When I looked to the sides a unbalanced row of lights distract me from the flow of color on the floor giving a magical glow of color.

Beja Lighting Lab


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