Archive for the tag 'Lighting Observation'

Lighting Observation- #11

  1. April 23, 2022, 2:12pm
  2. Second floor of the library in front of the big window facing Hofstra Hall
  3. It is a bright but somewhat gloomy day. The big windows letting in natural light makes everything around me appear bright, but when I look out towards the sky it is mostly cloud covered and a more muted blue. Against the white sky and the large white building (Hofstra Hall) in front of me, the greenery of the trees and the blue “pride and purpose” flags on the light poles pop out.

Lighting Moment

  1. DATE / TIME / LOCATION: April 21st, 12:30AM, Spiegle Theater
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The department times was setting up their set and the projector screen was down, with a blue light covering it. The stage was dimly lit by amber light and the house lights where completely dark.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The blue background and dim lighting created a very cinematic atmosphere, almost as if we where all about to sit down and watch a movie. The blue light coming from behind the two subjects on stage also created a glowing affect around both of them, which made the subjects seem almost ethereal.

Lighting Observation #10

  1. Date/Time/Location: April 19, 7:27 pm in Constitution
  2. Objective Description: The bright orange light spilling into my window during golden hour
  3. Subjective Description: The light that spills in through the window fills the room with a warm sort of glow. It is bright and brilliant, warm and enticing, but in the corner of the room, the light is even more intense. The corner, rather than just being filled with a gentle wash, is covered in a brilliant orange glow. The brightness of the light seems almost unearthly. Its glow reflects off a mirror and onto the opposite wall, just missing me, but filling the room further with it a rich, golden, energetic warmth

Lighting Observation #9

  1. Date/Time/Location – April 13 at 7:03 from Constitution
  2. Objective Description – The grayish/cloudy light coming into my window
  3. Subjective Description – The light coming in my window is really soft. There’s no harshness to it and no significant color. Everything but an ever so slightly warm-ish light coming gently through the window is blocked by the clouds across the sky. That gentle light covers my room like a blanket. It’s bright enough to see everything with significant detail without being harsh and overbearing. The soft lighting brings the vibes of the best afternoon nap you could possibly ever have

Lighting Observation #8

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 4/5/22, ~10:30pm, Long Beach

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The hotel next to the boardwalk shone bright blue in the night sky, casting a glow onto the beach and water below.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The beach was empty and cold, stagnant waiting for the thralls of summer tourists. The sky, pitch black, created a canvas for the lights of all the beachfront buildings to paint. A harsh blue glow coming from the large hotel interrupted the calm of the off-season and the dark night sky, blueing out the boardwalk, sand, and water. A mix of exhaustion, excitement, and anticipation filled the cool air for one of the last times, signifying the change to come in the new season.

Lighting Observation #8

Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, April 6 at 7:40 in Bits and Bytes

Objective Description: The ceilings lights shining on the tables

Subjective Description: The lights in Bits are directly above the tables, and in this case, right above me. They shine down and make each of the faces around the table kinda strangely shadowed, especially in pictures. When someone looks up at you, their face is really bright, but when you look at them across the table, it looks pretty normal. Despite the bright lighting when you look up, the room itself seems a little dark. It’s not because of a lack of light, it’s just because the paint on the walls is a deep green that takes the light and makes it feel a little darker

Lighting Observation

Date: 03/10/2022

Time: 5:25pm

Location: In and Out in Dallas, Texas

Objective Description: The sunlight hits the palm trees in front of the restaurant and the sign of the restaurant.

Subjective Description: The light hit the large yellow sign at just the right angle where there were little to no shadows. This created an interesting effect where the sign was perfectly lit but there were no shadows that would make the sign and the building seem more real. It reminded me of a badly rendered video game that didn’t take into account how shading works. This also created an eerie and otherworldly feeling as shadows are usually what show that the light is real so the absence made it feel like something was wrong and I wasn’t in this world.

Lighting Observation – #5

  1. March 7, 8:45pm 
  2. Location: Hempstead turnpike
  3. I was deriving home from work, just off the parkway and driving down Hempstead turnpike towards my house. I looked ahead of me and saw all of the upcoming traffic lights dotting the road ahead of me. Against the dark night, the bright red, yellow, and green popped. The further into the distance I looked, the dots were more fuzzy, and the ones closer to me very clear against the dark sky. 

Lighting Observation

Date: March 3, 2022

Time: 5:30pm

Location: Second floor of CV Starr

Objective Description: The sun was beginning to set and could be seen shining through a bare tree.

Subjective Description: The soft pink glow shown through the jagged outline of the tree. As the leaves have fallen, each branch and stick could be seen in great detail. The symmetry of the tree provided a sense of balance and was enhanced by the deep black lines of the backlit tree. Each space between the branches carried a soft bowl of pastel pink light.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Estabrook, 6:00pm, 3/3/2022

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A rainbow shone through my friend’s window and displayed its colors on her bedspread. The sunbeams made visible the dust particles floating around the room.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As the sun began to set, Erin’s west-facing window received and reflected the beams in the form of rainbows into the room. Her pale pink bedspread was sprinkled with multicolored light streaks. Dancing dust particles glowed golden in the beams of light bursting through the sky, ending their journey in our laps. The moment felt like youthful joy, when magic was still a possibility and hope was everlasting.

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