Archive for the tag 'Ray'

Virtual Light Lab: Four Seasons

Virtual Light Lab Project

*All angle information came from the “Show Info” function on VVL.

1. Fall Sunset in Vermont.

Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 12.32.42 PM


Top Cyc Lights:

-NC at 50%.

-RE164 (Flame Red) at Full Intensity.

-G510 (No Color Straw) at 30%.

Bottom Cyc Lights:

-NC at 75%.

-L767 (Oklahoma Yellow) at Full Intensity

Model Lighting:

-RE164 (Flame Red), 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, backlight from stage right at full intensity.

-L767 (Oklahoma Yellow), 42 degree elevation angle, 48 degree back angle, backlight from stage right at 50% intensity.

-NC, 43 degree elevation angle, sidelight from stage right at 25% intensity.

-NC, 27 degree elevation angle, sidelight from stage right at 25% intensity.

The shadings used in this photo are used to depict what a sunset in Vermont would look like. A red and a yellow light is shone in the direction the sun is facing representing the warm beams that the sun can create. They fit in with the tree just losing it’s leaves in the autumn. The two faintly lit white lights are used to show that the atmosphere around sunsets aren’t completely bereft of light. The colors used in the backdrop gives a warm feeling that a sunset would normally evoke.

2. Spring Sunrise in New England.

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Top Cyc Lights:

-NC at 50%.

-RE007 (Pale Yellow) at 25%

-RE101 (Yellow) at Full Intensity.

Bottom Cyc Lights:

-NC at 50%.

-RE019 (Fire) at Full Intensity.

-RE141 (Bright Blue) at 90% Intensity.

Model Lighting:

-R22 (Deep Amber), 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, backlight from stage right at full intensity.

-RE104 (Deep Amber), 42 degree elevation angle, 48 degree back angle, backlight from stage right at full intensity.

-NC, 0 degree elevation angle, sidelight from stage right at 50% intensity.

-NC, 0 degree elevation angle, sidelight from stage left at 50% intensity.

-RE141 (Bright Blue), -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, backlight from stage right at 20% intensity.

The colors and lighting in this photo depicts a spring sunrise in New England. The warm atmosphere of the beach exhibits features of what spring can look like in the New England. The dark clouds above could possibly show an April shower about to occur. The red and yellow lighting comes from the angle the sun is rising from as it hits the subjects with and amber-ish glow. The two uncolored lights on the side represent the lighting around them. Just because there is one light source in the picture doesn’t mean everything around them is shrouded in shadow. The faint light on their feet is to show the very dim and blue glow upon their feet. The red and the deep golden amber in the backdrop give an aura of what a sunrise would give while the blue and red exhibit the light on the floor of the beach.

3. Noon on a hot Summer day in Brazil.

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Top Cyc Lights:

-NC at 90%.

-R4560 (CalColor 60 Yellow) at Full Intensity.

Bottom Cyc Lights:

-NC at 30%.

-R4560 (CalColor 60 Yellow) at 75%.

-G120 (Bright Pink) at Full Intensity.

Model Lighting:

-NC, 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, backlight on stage left at full intensity.

-RE5336 (Aztec Gold), 43 degree elevation angle, sidelight on stage left at 50% intensity.

-RE5336 (Aztec Gold), 61 degree elevation angle, sidelight on stage left at 75% intensity.

-RE452 (One Sixteenth White), -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, front light on stage left at 65% intensity.

-RE452 (One Sixteenth White), 54 degree elevation angle direct backlight, front light center stage at full intensity.

-RE452 (One Sixteenth White), 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, front light stage right at 50% intensity.


The shadow angle and sheer brightness in this picture shows what Noon would look like on a hot summer day in Brail. The backdrop exhibits shades of bright pink and pale yellow. These two color combine to create a wonderful shade of white that still exhibits colors of heat. The gold and white colors shine down from the back of the subject casting a bright beam of sunny colors as the sun is at it’s highest peek. The gold represents the sun and the white represents the light the sun emits. This beam of light creates a shadow in front of the subject. The shadow points in the same direction as the lady’s in the picture. The other white lights around the subject exhibit the quality of light that would shine around the subject. They are used to make just there are few shadows around the subject.

4. Winter Afternoon in Alaska.

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Top Cyc Lights:

-NC at 50%.

-AP6500 (Bikini Yellow) at 30%.

-G770 (Christel Blue) at Full Intensity.

Bottom Cyc Lights:

-NC at 75%.

-G920 (Pale Lavender) at 50%.

Model Lighting:

-NC, 54 degree elevation angle direct back light, front light center stage at 65% intensity.

-AP3300 (Whispering Lavender), 54 degree elevation angle direct back light, backlight center stage at full intensity.

-AP4800 (Ice Blue), 37 degree back angle, 56 degree back angle, backlight on stage left at full intensity.

-AP4800 (Ice Blue), 37 degree back angle, 56 degree back angle, backlight on stage right at full intensity.

The shadows and cool colors here, represent the winter chill of an afternoon in Alaska. The backdrop uses white and blue on the top to simulate the chill of a winter. Yellow is mixed in with these colors to represent the light of the sun. Pale lavender is used to mix in with the white to give a shadow-like feel. There is use of icy blue colors and lavender, not because of the light but because it adds to the shadow effect that a sun would create at his time of day. The white front light represents the light that would still be around him. In this time of day, his entire body wouldn’t be completely surrounded by darkness.

Photo Observation #10



3. Bête Noire

4. A sunrise is one of the most spectacular things a person can lay eyes on. However, as I’m waking up this is the last thing I want to see. As my eyes got adjusted to the pitch blackness from sleeping, I become startled when a radiant beam of yellow and white blind me with a great ray of intensity. As it peeks out the window it fills my room with blaring reds, oranges, yellows and whites that tells me it’s time to wake up. Ironically enough, this beautiful spectacle of light is something I could never look forward to seeing.

5. Capture