Archive for the tag 'single light source'

Photo Observation #5

2. From: [email protected]

By: Lara Gorman

3. Theme: Single Light Source

4. The white light that is just out of the frame of this photo creates interesting shadows on the face of the model. The shadows cast on the model in this photo cause him to have a sinister yet sad feel to him. It makes the person looking at the photo think that he may be either up to something or he is a survivor of something traumatic.


Photo Observation #5

William Bragg Photography – Single Light Source

I like this photo because of how the light source is hitting his face from the far side. His left side of his face is so bright that we cannot see the detail. And then the right of the face dissolves into the blackness of the background. I also like that this photo is in black and white. It allows for the levels of light to stand out. One can see how the light is shaping itself around the face.

Photo Observation #5

Photo Credits: Samantha Morris

Location: Bendheim Performing Arts Center, New York

Theme: Single Light Source

A woman is standing in the distance. She is standing on one leg with the other bent behind her. One of her arms is resting against the wall, while the other creates a circular shape above her head. All of her surroundings are covered by darkness. There is one white light that hangs above her head though. The light is projected onto certain aspects of the woman’s body. The light highlights a side of her face, a part of her chest, her fingers, and the top of her bent leg. The light also is projected onto the black floor in front of the female. This picture is interesting because it is so dark, yet highlights specific shapes. The dancer in the distance looks mysterious because you can’t tell what she really looks like, and it makes it more intriguing the more you look at it.

Photo Observation

  1. Marilyn Monroe, Photographed by Sam Shaw, Seven Year Itch
  2. Single Subject – Single Light Source
  3. When i learned that the theme was single subject – single light source, i immediately thought of this photograph of Marilyn Monroe. I love how she is sitting in a very elaborate costume backstage beneath a stage light just sipping a cup of coffee. It is the perfect set up of a picture and captures such a simple moment.

Photo Observation

  1. This photo was taken by a photographer friend of mine
  2. Theme: Single Subject/ Single Light Source
  3. I really live how he uses light in photos. This one is particular is so simple, yet i get chills every time i look at it. You can see her face clearly and it looks so intense.

Photo Observation

  1. Photo found online through Google, taken from Brigham Young University – Idaho webpage, photographer unknown;
  2.  Theme: Single Object/Single Light Source
  3. At first I found this theme to be more daunting than the rest; how was I going to figure out if a photo had a single light source?  This picture however really struck me, and I feel it fits the theme well for a couple of reasons.  First, it clearly shows where the light source is – it is a SR diagonal front light; we can tell by the way the shadows and light itself falls within the picture, the second reason this picture works well.  Through the positioning of the object, we are able to see not only where the light source is in relation to the object, but what type of angle the light source is at. My guess is that the light source is at a steeper angle because of how the shadow falls more on the bottom corner of the object while the top portion has more beam coverage, and that is is closer to being a side light than it is to being a straight front because of where the beam spread falls.

One Source of Light






I like the way the light in this photo is able to accentuate the shape of a person and still tell us nothing about him. The photo leads me to believe this person is dark, brooding and maybe even dangerous. Part of that may come from the black hoodie, but I think it’s mostly because not much is illuminated here and the sense of mystery the shadows creates automatically brings my mind to a dark place.



Photo Observation





I like this picture because the warm light coming in through the window of the house is very comforting. It reminds me of a picture i took of my house this past summer. The single light source of the window gives the feeling of a calm afternoon in a welcoming house.

Single Light Source: What is he hiding?

single lighting




I chose this picture because it reminded me of the lecture on Stanley McCandless. He said that to make stage lighting look natural, one side of the actor’s face will have to be lit with warm light and the other with cooler light, because one is rarely looking straight-on into a lighting source. Here we see a man, the left side of his face illuminated, and the right side in almost total darkness. His left eye looks so warm and available, the wrinkle around his mouth looks like the shadow of a smile. But he is not looking at us head-on, and only a small catch-light from his pupil is visible in his right eye — the lighting and the subtly turned head gives the impression that he has a secret. I wonder what he is hiding?


Single Artificial Light Source

The single light coming from behind this cat illuminates each whisker and hair. The light reflects in his eyes and highlights the contours and shapes of his face.


Single light source plot

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