Archive for the tag 'Twoface'

True colors Light

DATE: 04/28/22

Time: 11:27 pm

OBSERVATIONS: I loved how it showed purple on the leaf when the actual color is green. It kind of plays with the idea of two whole new worlds in one object. I loved it because it has a meaning that is translated to through the light.

Lighting Observation

1) 2012-02-24 at 10:30 PM in the Adams Playhouse, on the set for Much Ado About Nothing

2) A Source-4 ERS with an R11 gel pointed from the left and rear down on Devin Gee standing in the middle archway on stage left, casting shadows on his front.  Light reflecting off the the white interior of the archway partially illuminates the side of his face.

3) One might consider looking for “lighting inspiration” in the middle of a focus for another show cheating, but this lighting was completely unintentional.  The light was not where it was supposed to be, and Devin’s positioning a crazy random happenstance.  The light was the only instrument on, and the yellow glow filled the archways from behind, giving the archways an eerie yellow glow around the edges.  Devin stepped forward out of the light and into the archway.  The entire left side of his face fell into shadow, while the other side is filled by light reflecting off of the inside of the arch.  I could not say it was a “pretty” glow.  Ambers and purples usually have a glow I like.  Reds and blues too, depending on their intensity.  This yellow, however, did very little for me.  Sure, mixed in with the rest of the lighting, it offers a very nice daytime, sunshine quality.  By itself and focused form the back, the yellow is very unappealing and almost nauseating.  Despite the color, however, I cannot get over how interesting the light itself is.  The angle of the light is very clear by the glow on the back of Devin’s head, but by reflecting off of the narrow white interior, the final picture is one that could not be achieved either if the light was reflected off of a whole wall next to him, or if there were another lamp aimed at him.