Archive for the tag 'backstage'

Lighting Observation #11

  1. April 19, 2018 – 7:15pm – Adam’s Playhouse
  2. I am sitting in a chair putting my makeup on. I am looking at multiple lights surrounding the mirror. There are about 8 horizontal and 12 vertical. The light shines on the dancers’ faces and allows them to put their makeup on evenly.
  3. It was at this time that I realize the significance of these lights. Not only are they assisting the dancers as they are putting their makeup on, they are making them feel beautiful. As I watch the performers, I see them keep looking back at the lit up mirror for positive confirmation. After they look, they allow a small smile to appear on their face, and almost without blinking, they rush off finishing their other duties. But it was at that moment when the lighting reassured the dancers that they were beautiful.

Lighting Observation

Date: 27th of March, Complete works Dress rehearsal, back stage.

Objective Description: Single light behind the globe set in the centre.

Subjective description: Amongst the madness of the back stage rush, with shadows flitting this way and that, never standing still, there was a beam of light left in peace. No shadows crossed it, no panic reached it. It was an island of clam amongst the chaos, a constant sign of serenity to steady the nerves and focus the mind.

Lighting Observation 4

Date: 2/18/2016 Time: 8:15 p.m. Location: Backstage of Blackbox during As You Like It

Objective Description: The backstage area is black, walls to curtain. The only light shining is coming from small lights every four feet or so. The light shines like a sort of spotlight would onto a run crew member’s face.

Subjective Description: Emily, the run crew member standing under the light, is partially facing the curtain and I’m looking at her face almost in profile. The light that she is directly under creates shadows on her face that accentuate her features. Her nose looks smaller and I noticed a bump on her head due to the dark shadows. This lighting made her look like a completely different person and transformed all of her features. She also looked kind of frightening because all of the surrounding areas around her eyes were pitch black and large.