Archive for the tag 'night'

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3/25/21- 8:00 pm

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was out at the tent near Hofstra USA with my friends all sitting at the table in front of me.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Inside a white fortress, we laugh and converse. The car headlights sweep back and forth across the tent’s folds. The lamp posts of parking lot provide a white glow that shrouds our faces in light and shadow. Smiles all around covered by the darkness and the cloth masks. Such a cool and windy night filled with such warmth.

Photo Assignment- Artificial Light Source

2) Attribute the Photo, tell us where it came from.

This is a photo I found on Google Images, there is no one to credit the photo with as following the link takes you to a website that is out of domain.

3) THEME: Artificial Light Source


On a dark night, perhaps with a certain chill in the air, the warm glow of the street lamp disrupts the blackness. The lamp illuminates the street as figures pass by. While the darkness is the night, the street lamps represent the possibility of adventure amidst the dim dusk.

Lighting Observation


1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/17/21- 9 pm, Hofstra Intramural Fields

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The back corner of the field had some light from one of the small lamps, so that is where the ultimate frisbee team gathered on this day in order to play.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The only light on the fields shining down from the small lamp posts on the outskirts of the fields. Humans crowded on the nearby hill surrounding the small flood of white light. Their shadows mix with the soft edged darkness surrounding their dimly lit playing field. The steam coming off their bodies from their heat and breath floating upwards. Some figures stand far off to the side in order to toss the disc back and forth. To passing cars and persons, they all look like ghosts hiding in the shade.

Lighting Observation #3

1- 7 Feb 2020, 3AM, my room

2- OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION- a dark room, with very bright streetlights streaming in through horizontal blinds.

3- SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION- This is a sight I see relatively often, as I often struggle to fall asleep at night. The campus is so bright and, while I appreciate the safety of everything, the light peering in through my window can be irritating. It feels sometimes as if I’m being mocked by fluorescent white streetlights for the simple crime of wanting a good night’s sleep. Once again, they watch me fail.

Photo Observation

1) Photo is from, from BBC

2) THEME: Shadow

3) DESCRIPTION: In a billboard advertisement for Dracula on BBC, there are a bunch of knives placed seemingly haphazardly on a white billboard. However, we know that vampires thrive at night, as does this billboard. When the light hits the knives just right, they cast a shadow that looks like Dracula with his mouth open, ready to feast. 

Lighting Observation 10

4/14/19 730pm Hofstra parking lot

Objective: The parking lot lamps were illuminating through the thick fog.

Subjectively: The the little amount of light on the dark, foggy night appeared as the only comforting thing in the uneasy atmosphere of dark, dense fog.

Photo Observation 2

December 2016, The Cathedral of the Incarnation, taken by myself
Theme: Shadows
I recall first walking up to the cathedral, and I was instantly taken in by the architecture of the building. The steeples, multitude of archways, and the sloped rooftops immediately drew me in to it’s beauty. Looking at in under the moonlight further accentuated this infatuation for me, as the shadows help to create this gorgeous Gothic horror ambiance that really works well with the aesthetic of the building. The shadows subtly highlight the crevices and nooks present throughout the cathedral, that may not necessarily be noticed in the daylight quite as easily. Especially with the moon shining down upon it, it creates this mystic, creepy vibe that I adore.

Light Observation #6 – Stars

  1. Date: 3/5/18, Time: about 9pm, Location: South Campus Commuter Parking Lot
  2. As I walk back to my car, I look up and there are several stars in a clear night sky.
  3. I look to the sky one night, longing for something other than the ground. It happens to be clear, not a single cloud to be seen. Within the clearness of the blackened sky, I see a small cluster of stars in my general line of view. While nowhere near as bright as a full moon, each star is its own light, twinkling from millions of miles away. The fact that anyone could see them from such a distance is a miracle force of nature.

Light Observation #10

  1. Saturday, April 8 at 7:40pm standing outside the Netherlands Core.
  2. It was just starting to get dark outside, so the yellowish lampposts and dorm room windows stood out against the deep blue sky as what seemed like thousands of crows were swarming overhead.
  3. As the sun began to set, two separate, coexisting worlds became apparent: the warm glow of dorm rooms where students were hanging out with friends or staying in for the night getting things done and the cool, ominous deep blue mass of sky that enclosed the cold night air. Both worlds were full of life, be it a calm relaxing portrayal of human life or a gloomy, surreal portrait of bird life.

Photo Observation


Photograph taken by Erik Johansson

3. Surreal

4. This photograph brings outside nature into one’s home. The photo makes it seem as though the two worlds seamlessly blend together. The lighting in the room is produced by a bedside lamp as well as the moon inside the bedroom. The natural and artificial light being within the same room, but lighting different landscapes created a surreal feeling of the photograph.

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