Archive for the tag 'Spooky'

Photo Observation #4

  • Saturday, February 15th, 11:30 PM
  • Single Light Source
  • I was working a late shift at my on-campus job and had just returned to campus to close down the remains of big sorority event. I entered room 141 – one of our small classrooms – the find the room completely dark, spare the street light of Stuyvesant parking lot shining through the trees and onto the curtained window. Past the curtain however, the light formed an angled shaft broken up by jagged tree limbs on the wall.

Light Observation

1.) Lowe 2nd floor April 18th 2018 11:30pm.

2.) While working in Lowe 216 last night with some other sophomores, the power went out all of a sudden. We packed our things and went to exit the building. When we got out into the hallway the emergency lights and exit signs were on. The doors had all auto closed as well. The emergency lights in the hallway were cumming from the middle top of the right side wall and had two medium flood parnell. They were very cool in temperature, and were strongest in the middle of the hallway. Directly under and the ceiling above were almost a cool blue, and the floor underneath reflected the light back up cratered a glare on the floor.

3.) The whole scene reminded of the opening scene to the walking dead season 1 opener. The main character wakes up in the hospital after a zombie apocalypses has destroyed the world an as he wanders the hallways lit by emergency lighting, he moves twords some doors barred shut that read “Dead Inside” written in blood. It was very creepy, after taking some pictures to remind me of the lighting I ran out of the building.

Photo Observation

I took the photo


Lurking around Hofstra one night, I noticed the light of the bears’ statue looked particularly ominous.  I’d never even noticed the light shining on the bears during daylight hours, so the distortion of the bears in the night was quite spooky.  Hofstra probably intended them to represent something good, but they look creepy nonetheless and I hadn’t ever noticed the statue until encountering it as the beast it appeared to be.

Photo Observation #8

  2. Spooky
  3. This photo is spooky because of the creepy Halloween Jack-o-lantern carvings, but more importantly because of the shapes and colors of the light and shadows that the pumpkins create. The light shining through the flesh of the pumpkin has a soft orange and red glow, which establishes a feeling of fear and unease. Also, the shapes of the pumpkins and their carvings create ominous patterns of shadows on the walls that make everything seem mysterious, uncertain, and deceptive.


Photo Observation

From: Halloween 2016, own photo

Theme: Spooky

Description: The eerie glow is just enough to show the figure blocking the path, bringing them out of the shadow but not separating them from the darkness. The shadows shield its eyes, masking the madness that i know is lurking there.

Photo Observation

1. drama 16 single source light 2


3. Spooky

4. Owls are spooky creatures. They hunt their prey at night, they can rotate their head 180 degrees, and they’re silent when in flight. what makes this photo spooky, however, isn’t the owl itself. the way the owl is lit is very eerie. Its lit from behind with a faint white light from the moon. You can tell its an owl only from its silhouette. The light doesn’t show any of its gorgeous features only the dark mysterious body of this spooky creature.

Insane Environment

  1. Location: Acid Fields, March 29, 2017 at 1:30.
  2. Objective: The fields are covered by mist with rain falling down. Threatening grey clouds cover the sky, bringing an anger down towards the ground.
  3. Subjective: This is a haunting apocalyptic look that our environment has been showing in recent years. There is a madness that can be felt throughout as the rain falls. Maybe it the madness is only scary. Or maybe the craziness hides a bloodthirsty hunger.

Photo Observation


  1. Pinterest, Film “Psycho” By: Alfred Hitchcock
  2. Whenever i hear the word “Spooky” i automatically think of horror movies, and there are no other horror movies with better use of lighting than Hitchcock films. This scene from Psycho is not so much terrifying as it is clever for its use of lighting the killer directly from the back to conceal the identity until the end of the movie.

Holding Onto the Girl in Green Haunt

Spooky diagram


Theme: Spooky

Description: A girl is standing alone, holding an axe. Her face and lower body are shrouded in shadows. The light shining through the window turns makes the blackness retreat as a haunting green aura fills the room. What is seen besides the are the cracked walls and rotting tiles of the room.

To me, this is the what holding onto the past looks like and not moving on. Just as ghosts cannot move onto the afterlife, this photo is stuck in a rotting place full of rotting memories.

Photo Observation


3. Spooky

4. The only light seen in this photo is backlight coming from the end of the hallway behind the figure. When there is a smaller amount of light in a room than usual, it gives the space a spookier feel to it. This photo emphasizes that concept by masking the features of the person through a single back light and no light in front of the person.

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