Lighting Observation #7

1.) March 22, 2025 – 6:53pm – Hofstra Campus

2.) The sunset in the sky after a rainy day. The clouds had cleared partly, so the colors were very bright and reflecting off of the wet ground.

3.) The sun was just beginning to set as I walked back home from a long day of classes. Clouds were still present high in the sky from the rain earlier in the day, but the brilliant colors of the sunset closer to the horizon line shined clearly through them. Electrifying orange blended seamlessly into golden yellow. However, the sunset didn’t seem to end there. The storm from earlier in the day left the pavement wet, creating a reflective surface that the fiery sunset bounced off of. The same dazzling colors seemed to fill the parking lot and surround the cars. These blazing lights ignited a new energy, rejuvenating me after a tiring day, making me ready for all that was still to come.

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Lighting Observation #7

  1. Classroom in Breslin Hall at 1:02PM, March 27th, 2025.
  2. I was sitting at the desk just under a very tall window, sitting about eight feet up from the floor. The overhead LED lights were on, which gave the room the well-known dull classroom glow, however there was a sliver of hot blue light that peeked through the window shade. The window light came down the corner at a harsh diagonal angle.
  3. It was easy to get lost in the deadening LED haze that most classrooms came equipped with. Everything in the room–floor, desks, pencils, students, teachers–was stained with its ugly grey; all except for the daylight dagger that jutted out the window sill. Through the icy blue tint of the window glass, the sun overpowered each crack that was visible between the shades. The thin, steely power of the light’s shards likened the room to white hot flames.

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Lighting Observation #7

  1. Thursday, March 27th 2025 at 11:20am. This classroom.
  2. Emily King shining a flashlight onto my paper
  3. The lights in the room were off, leaving the limited amount of natural light coming in from the window to illuminate the space. As we clustered around my paper trying to decipher my Creative Writing professor’s atrocious handwriting, Emily clicked on a flashlight behind us, shining it onto the paper. The white light cast a bright circle onto the red pen, making it almost glow in the darkly lit room.
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Photo Observation 6



Single source artificial light

This photo is from the 2024 Fall Dance Concert. One of the guest artists pieces, the piece began in silence with a single spotlight on the featured dancer. The spotlight is very circular, but there is a short shadow because the dancer falls on the downstage edge of the circle.

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Photo Observation 6

Photo taken by me in Lowe 216 on Monday

Single source artificial light

I was working on my scale white model set for 178 and started playing with some lighting. This was something I had in my lighting mood board for the show where the web and upper-platform were in a blue wash and the stage was in darkness. I spent like 10 minutes trying different blue gels before I found one I liked.

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Photo Observation #6

10/3/24, 10:34 PM

Single Source Artificial Light

My mom took this photo at my house when my dog wandered into my room while I was still at school. The single light from the center of the hallway illuminates almost all of her and, because she is so low to the ground, her shadow is short and under her. The light is sharply cut off by the doorframe and she has one paw in the dark.

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Photo Observation #6

1.) Photo taken by me of CJ’s student rep piece “Within a Circle”

2.) single source artificial light

3.) The focus of this image is on the single beam of purple top light circling the dancers. It creates emphasis on the dancers in the middle as the other two circle them, framing the space. There is no angle as the light is directly above the dancers.

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Photo Observation #6

1)3/26/25 Photo taken by me in my room

2)Theme: Single source, artificial light

3)There is a single light hitting the objects that are on the desk, mainly I focused on the candle sitting on the desk (as I had nowhere to put everything else). As an added bonus the light reflects off the blinds and it creates a cool effect.

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Photo Observation #6

2.) photo of rych focusing the lights for Trojan Women

3.) single source artificial light

4.) There is a single white light hitting Rych from a pretty steep angle. I know this because the light on the ground is close to a circle, not an oval. The shadows of the sticks surrounding the pit are also not very long. The light appears to be a front light, probably coming from a very slight angle to the left of the photo because of the way that it is hitting the fixture visible in the picture.

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Photo Observation #6

  1. 3/26/25, 1:37 PM, my house
  2. Single source artificial light source
  3. This is a photo of my housemate’s stuffed manatee. There is a single artificial light shining above it. It creates a spotlight affect on the manatee, highlighting its face and frontal extremities. Yet, it creates a 1 dimensional affect especially since the manatee is so frontal, as there are no shadows or dimensions found within what you can see.
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