Archive for the tag 'Nightlife'

Photo Observation 2/29

Photo taken by me

This is a picture I took this past December when I went to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. This picture is a good representation of what I like to do when I partake in nightlife. Although it is dark out, the bright lights of Radio City and the skyscrapers around it light up the night, and the streets are still bustling with people. NYC is called the city that never sleeps, and the juxtaposition of the dark sky and the bright lights accurately portrays this nickname.

Nightlife Photo

September 1st 2018- picture taken by my mom on a rooftop bar in NYC

Theme: nightlife

My mom took this picture on rooftop bar in NYC and while it might not be lively as a nightlife. I feel the use multiple colors of light coming from different sources helps capture feeling of a nightlife photo

Photo Observation

Photo from

To me, nightlife is bright, flashy colors all shining together at once. Its not organized and looks a little bit chaotic, but the atmosphere being filled with saturated colors makes it feel dream like. The dim night sky contrasting against the neon signs below it also just brings the night to life and makes you feel alive.

Photo Observation: Nightlife

2) This is a stock image of the Atlanta skyline taken from Piedmont Park. (


4) DESCRIPTION: The water is still and dark, reflecting the bright and busy multicolored lights shining from the city skyline in the background. Though the park is quiet, illuminated only by warm street lamps, its emptiness is really just buzzing anticipation of the rush of nightlife to come, which is seen in the bright lights glowing from the skyline. The night sky is brightened with the skyline’s radiating shine; beauty is created by light pollution. That’s the wonder of nightlife, though: a good time can happen anywhere, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city or in a warm, dimly lit park.

Photo Observation- Nightlife

ATTRIBUTION: Unknown. From Google

THEME: Nightlife

DESCRIPTION: The moon rises in the distance as the buildings erupt with light or descend into darkness as the bright lights of the windows cease to function after a long day. the headlights and taillights of the individual cars start blending together to form one continuous train as if the light comes and goes from the same place. The stand-alone objects fade into the busy-ness of the streets and there is no distinction of the solo versus the conjoined

I took this photo at a concert at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in October.

THEME: Nightlife

DESCRIPTION: the image is of Karl Kuehn, a member of the band Museum Mouth, playing guitar on stage. Yellow, pink, and red lights are lighting him from behind.

Photo Observation 4

Taken by me, on a riverboat around Manhattan in June 2016
THEME: Nightlife
NYC is the city that never sleeps, and that expression is most true when seeing how brightly lit it is. Each building has its own varying color and shape, yet they all help to show how alive and active the city is at night.

Photo Observation #4 Night Life

My Photo taken with an Accidental Long Exposure on Nikon D3300

3) THEME: Night Life

4) DESCRIPTION: An accidental long exposure photo taken of a string of rainbow lights hanging over an alleyway in Salem Mass. Obviously there are all sorts of colors in the Primary focus but there is also a lot of color in the ambient lighting around this section on the walls of the alleyway.

Photo Observation 4

From NY Times at The American Museum of Natural history


Although I did not personally take the picture I do remember visiting the exhibit a few years ago. I have always been fascinated by creatures who are bioluminescent not only because of biological curiosity but for the aesthetic reasons as well. Since a lot of these types of creatures only live in the darkest of areas I imagine that if someone was lost in the darkness of the jungle or a cave they would serve as a calming, hopeful presence.

Photo Observation #4

  1. I took this photo last November.
  2. Theme: Night life
  3. The carousel was closed when I got there but all the lights were on, which turned out to be a surprise. The luminous pavilion stood out right away in the darkness around it. And the light from inside diffused through the glass, which makes it look softer and more dreamlike. Although no one is riding on it, I could still imagine how lively it is during the day and it feels like it is still moving.

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