Archive for the tag 'surreal'

Photo taken by me

#1/2/3/4/5: Belladonna rose, full intensity

#6/7/8: Primary blue, full intensity


I took this picture at a concert last summer, and I remember being there and thinking that the lighting was very surreal and unnatural, in a good way. The colors were so vivid and coming straight down to the audience from the stage, so it felt like I was in another world.

Photo Observation 4/18

Photo via Pinterest

Theme: Surreal

I chose this photo as surreal because it is unnatural lighting. The color combination is unusual, and putting myself in the model’s position in the image, staring directly into a light source can induce a feeling of surrealism.

For the angle/color diagram, there appears to be a front light containing an orange light with a green highlight, and a second orange spot from the upper left corner.

Deep Straw – full, front and upper left corner

Medium Blue Green – full, front

Medium Blue Green – 75, upper left corner

I used a soft focus on all four beams, 5-degree width on both Medium Blue Greens, and 14-degree width on both Deep Straws.

June 27, 2018 picture taken by me in Tennessee

Theme: Surreal

I took this photo in Tennessee at Pigeon Forge. This photo comes from a mirror maze I was in and I love how eerie it looks since you can’t see the end of the maze from this angle.

Surreal Photo


Theme: Surreal

Description: Migraines plus doing homework in my dorm often make me feel trapped in one place. This image and this lighting makes me feel the same way, trapped in a small room with faint light, coming in through blinds that make lines along the floor.

Brennan Surreal Light Photo


Photo Theme: Surreal



This is from The Exorcist. I like the use of silhouette, especially when paired with the strong spotlight effect that is visible with the fog. The Overhead lamp also helps to give just enough context to really make it seem like this character is crossing into a new world. The stark contrast between the character silhouette and the glowing beam of light make it stand out. The spotlight also creates a strong line. There is a lot of mystery, involved, as it makes it seem like the very location itself is alive and aware of this outsider’s presence. For my re-creation I also utilized Gobo effects to mimic the lights in the house, which act as a bit of color contrast against an otherwise entirely blue toned scene.

Surreal Photo Observation

Theme: Surreal

This picture captures a vibrant red sunset. I’ve always found bright red sunsets to be so mystifying as a typical sunset consists of softer yellows and oranges. However, this bright red captures the passion and intensity the hue normally makes me think of. Seeing the typical blue sky be slowly enveloped by this punch of red feels truly surreal.



Prompt Hunt

This photo felt surreal to me because this is not naturally occurring light. It reminds me of the burning bush from the bible and it just feels a little magical.

Photo Observation :


2) This is a still from the movie Inception (2010) starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

3) THEME: Surreal

4) DESCRIPTION: I chose this photo because Inception is all about dreams, and I think dreams are the most surreal daily occurrence in human life. The buildings folding in on themselves are bizarre and off-putting to look at. There is a tunnel of light created by the folding buildings that acts as a spotlight for the figures in the forefront of the image. The image is very monochromatic, with a spectrum of cool grays composing the color palette. The color palette and tunnel of light both seem like they could beĀ almost real, but the subtle artificiality confuses the viewers’ brains, which is what makes the image (and lighting in the image) so surreal.


A Still from Coraline

I chose this photo because when I think surreal I think of Coraline and the “Otherworld” because of how impossible everything is in that world. I chose a picture of the tunnel leading to the otherworld because the colors in this tunnel aren’t realistic based on the fact that they are supposed to be natural colors. This also has a big juxtaposition to the real world and how everything is realistic and has no color or imagination. The way the blue and pink lights are so strong yet don’t cast color onto Coraline shows how she does still have a grasp on reality but It also displays how these lights arent achieving a realistic way of shining. The entire thought of this tunnel is unbelievable and unobtainable.

Surreal Photo Observation

  1. Attributes:
  2. Theme: Surreal
  3. Description: This photo exemplifies the theme of surrealism by intertwining everyday images with imagination and a twist on reality. While everything in this picture may exist in real life, you would never see a shark soaring in the air. Moreover, the shadow cast over the shark conveys that he is floating beneath the tunnel and approaching the figure in the yellow jacket. I also like how the sea creature is smiling in the dark, almost giving him an even more sinister appearance. In the background, the mellow greens and bright pavement create a calm atmosphere, which the shark then disturbs by lurking in the shadows.

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