Archive for the tag 'shadows'

Photo Observation #2

Time/Place: Taken on my iPhone during a senior film shoot in a Brooklyn apartment, Friday February 7th, 3:30 PM

Theme: Shadow

Description: The set I was on this weekend heavily utilized practical lights, one of which was a small bedside lap with a unique pink plastic shade. The resulting light was one of enhanced warmth, imbuing the room with the coziness of a crackling fire. What affected me most was how the light struck the pillow next to it, emphasizing each fold and crease. To me, it became snow-covered mountain range lit by the deep orange of a setting sun.



2) The Photo is one that I found on the internet when looking for photos of shadows

3) THEME: Shadow

4) I think that it’s exciting that as the day goes on, shadows can grow and move. In my opinion, I never really think about the sun hitting me until I look at my shadow.

Photo Observation #2

  1. Photo taken by me
  2. Florence, Leon Nero on June 24th, 2019 at 6:59pm
  3. Theme: Shadow
  4. I took this photo after leaving the apartment I was staying in to get a good spot for La Festa di San Giovanni. I was excited to see the food trucks preparing for the event, and before crossing the street took this picture to send to my family. I already felt the crowds emerging, as I was previously warned about, but it was nothing to be afraid of in comparison to NYC. This street in particular was important to me because it’s the first place I arrived at when traveling to Florence, being the place I stayed at for a month.

Light Observation

  1. DATE-TIME-LOCATION: January 30th, 2020 – 11:00pm – my dorm room.
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The soft white light from an oil diffuser brightened and dimmed the dark room. There is a change in the strength of the shadows against the wall and ceiling, widening and condensing. 
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: My oil diffuser was brightening and dimming based on the speed of the diffuser and it felt calming to observe. The soft glow around the perimeter of the diffuser created a gentle ambiance for my dorm room, and made me feel more relaxed, which I appreciated.

Light Observation #4

  1. 2/21/2019 at 11PM in my bedroom.
  2. Objective Observation: I accidentally kicked down the floor lamp in my room (thanks god it was not broken). My backpack and some clothes were on the floor and there is a clothes stand at the corner too. I saw their shadows get much larger than themselves.
  3. Subjective Observation: The floor lamp was aiming at those objects on the floor horizontally so their shadows were enlarged a lot. They were like motionless monsters given a lot of power but cannot release that. As if those objects were given life by the floor lamp.

Photo Observation #2 Shadows

My Photo of Drama 78 Sculpture

3) Theme; Shadows

4) Photo of “Air” Sculpture on a seamless black background, I intentionally used lighting to blend the shadows with the black paint on the bottom of each section of the sculpture to create a floating effect in the final photograph.

Photo Observation 2

I took this photo with my iPhone 7 in the Gunntown Cemetery in Naugatuck Connecticut on June 12th 2018.

Theme: Shadows

Description: Taken during a sight-seeing trip targeted at some of the most haunted places in Connecticut, this photo stands as a personal reminder of just how much light can shape and alter how we see things in the world. One of the biggest phobias that comes under fire in horror stories is that of darkness. Light and darkness go together and you have to know one to understand the other. These shadows here serve as windows into the darkness that exists even when the sun is shining full force. Just as the sun’s presence above is certainly obvious, so is that of the darkness as the shadows have a way of creeping out through the trees and around the tombstones to essentially say “Not only are we still here, we are everywhere, the darkness never dies, where there is light there is darkness too”. As the sun travels across the sky, the shadows make their way across the ground, and once the sun sets these shadows are no longer tethered to the earth and they are given free run of the world. The way in which the light shines from behind serves to keep the tombstones as well as the background greenery in shadow. This creates a certain uneasiness along with the sense of wonder that may be all too familiar to fans of horror stories. It isn’t necessarily the fear of the dark that chokes people, but rather a fear of what may live in the darkness. We feel unease at the thought of these matters, but we can’t help but dive in headfirst to see beyond the veil.

Photo Observation 2

December 2016, The Cathedral of the Incarnation, taken by myself
Theme: Shadows
I recall first walking up to the cathedral, and I was instantly taken in by the architecture of the building. The steeples, multitude of archways, and the sloped rooftops immediately drew me in to it’s beauty. Looking at in under the moonlight further accentuated this infatuation for me, as the shadows help to create this gorgeous Gothic horror ambiance that really works well with the aesthetic of the building. The shadows subtly highlight the crevices and nooks present throughout the cathedral, that may not necessarily be noticed in the daylight quite as easily. Especially with the moon shining down upon it, it creates this mystic, creepy vibe that I adore.

Photo Observation #2

Attribute: Taken by me on my Galaxy S8
Theme: Shadows
Description: I took this photo in the fall around 3pm in Flushing, Queens. The way the sun was shining through the fencing of the overpass created very interesting shadows. The shadows reflected the curve of the bars on the overpass creating a grid like image on the floor.

Photo Observation #2

1: Source: Taken by Lauren Nilson on a Rebel T6

Model: Me

2: Natural Lighting creating Shadows

3: The Shadows casted in this photograph show the definition and details in the back. It defines the shoulder blades and the vertebrae. The shadows play a huge part in photography and this photo shows many shadows. This was taken for my friends school project and she had asked me to model. We had traveled through the city to get the perfect picture however, this image turned out to be one of the most intimate and detailed. The shadow casted gives the sense of venerability and uncertainty.

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