Archive for the tag 'summer'


June 10, 2017- photo taken by me

Theme: Summer

Summer, to me, means a nice walk through a park on a warm sunny day. This is a park that is relatively close by to me and I always love how pretty it looks especially when the sun hits it on an early afternoon day.


Attribution: Taken by a friend of mine on June 30th 2022

Theme: Summer

Description: To celebrate the long journey of graduating high school, 6 of my close friends and I took a trip to the beach for 3 days at the end of last June. This summer, we want to plan another trip together, not necessarily at the beach but somewhere fun, or to plan to go see a concert or something else over the summer while we all have time together.


Brennan Summer Photo

Photo Theme: Summer


This photo I found online while looking specifically for something that had a nice evening vibe. Summertime is know for the longer days and shorter nights, but I find that summer evenings are some of the best times to exist. In the photo it seems to be early dusk, most of the landscape in the background is in shadow and silhouetting against a dark blue sky. The sunset either just happened, or is across the sky on the other horizon. Under the cover of this porch there are two other sources of illumination that give contrast. The first is an exposed overhead bulb, good old fashion incandescent with a warm splash of amber light. Around the edge of the porch is a bunch of fairy lights that are loosely hung so as to dangle and overlap somewhat — which look to be just a hint warmer than the bulb. These artificial sources provide a warm glow that envelops this quiet and contemplative space. It is separated from the outside world, but only somewhat. A mere few steps away is everything else that life has to offer, but under this little wooden roof is a place to sit and enjoy a bit of peace. It feels calming, the kind of spot you could enjoy in so many different ways with or without anyone else involved.

Summer Photo Observation

Dunkin Cottage Reality

Theme: Summer

This image is of a beach in my town in which  my friends and I frequent exclusively in the summer time. The bright yellow sun with an orange gradient in to purple tones combined with the white foaming of the ocean reminds me of carefree days when all responsibilities are set aside and one can simply relax at the beach and watch the sun set while listening to the waves crash upon the shore. The purple tones looming over the sky signifying the end of a happy day represents a lullaby type soothing, kindly telling the world to rest for the day.



Lighting Observation

  1. Date / Time / Location: May 4th, 4:35 pm , Emily Lowe
  2. Objective Description: I was in musical theater class in Lowe 108 and we were performing our final projects. As my partner and I taught our short audition piece, I could feel the sunlight coming in from the windows hitting my back. It was not very bright out since the sun was setting.
  3. Subjective Description: While the lighting outside was dimming, the warmth illuminating from the windows indicated the onset of summer. The faint glow excited me for life after college to come soon, but also for the relaxation in the near months before entering “adulthood.”

Photo Observation

  1. Attributes:
  2. Theme: Summer
  3. Description: This photo captures all of my favorite aspects of summer: clear skies, ocean waters, spending time with friends, warm lighting, and relaxation. The vibrant blue sky reflects a large amount of light into the water so that people may see their feet in the sand. Moreover, the brightness of the environment and cleanliness of the water create an almost “drinkable” appearance to the ocean. Over summer, I hope to travel to Sicily and see beaches as beautiful as this one.


ATTRIBUTES : This photo was taken as promotional material for the Maldives.

THEME : Summer

DESCRIPTION : My first association with summer is lots of warm tone colors. However, when thinking more about it, I realized that a large part of my thoughts on the summer have to do with the beach and spending time in the water. So, for this picture, I wanted to highlight the excess amount of light blue tones. The color pallet of this picture gives off the idea of summer to me because of its specific shade of blue. Further, the bright natural lighting that washes the entire landscape is a keystone of summer to me. During the summertime, there is not a spot of land that the sun doesn’t touch, and the ability to take in all the light is what makes the summer so amazing.

Photo Observation: Summer

2) ATTRIBUTE: Google

3) THEME: Summer

4) DESCRIPTION: I chose this image for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I think sunflowers are the most summery flower there is. They’re bright, colorful, and always facing the sun (looking towards the brightness of life). Secondly, I think the lighting in this image is spectacular. The beams radiating from the sun are almost cartoonish in their perfection, and it’s also the brightest part of the image. The contrast of the colors and shadows make the image much more interesting and help the viewer focus on the central sunflower. The lighting of this image perfectly encapsulates the feeling on a hot summer day; free and hopeful, basking in the summer sun.

Summer Picture

Why Visit Iceland in the Summer

  1. Found on Google
  2. Theme: Summer
  3. The light coming from the setting Sun fills the sky in a way that gives off a very warm feeling. It also gives the clouds and the ground a pinkish tint that the waterfall seems to be reflecting, which I find to be quite fascinating. I also found that the layout of the clouds in the sky gave the Sun a nice framing that gives the illusion that the clouds closest to it could be on fire.


Google image of Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk

I chose this photo because this is summer to me. The boardwalk in Rehoboth is just about the only place to go in the summer that isn’t just a beach, and I spend 6 out of the 7 days a week working here. There is a serenity yet a lot of movement in this photo. There may be no people crowded like normal but the orange clouds in the sky feel like a swarm of people rushing in and the blue sky is being trampled by it yet remains beautiful. The white lights of the street lamps draw focus because of their lack of color. The iconic Dolle’s sign is a pop of dark orange next to the peach color of the sky, creating a nice contrast.

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