Archive for the tag 'Police lights'

Light Observation #3

1. 2/14/2018 8PM outside Netherlands Dorms

2. The flashing lights of a fireman’s car drove by, the blue and red flashing brightly as it approached the dorm. A small mix of yellow light was also in the warning lights with over the car. The front headlights a bright and harsh radiant white.

3. It was almost a shock when the vehicle turned the corner, the lights going off as a fire alarm sounded loudly. The lights hitting me just before it rounded on the building giving me a sudden flash of panic as those colors made my brain associate with danger. Then realizing it was a drill my panic calmed and I walked on with those illuminating flashes behind me.

Light Observation2- Week 3

1) 2/16/11, at 8:30pm on Hempstead Turnpike

2) Objective: Police Light

3) Subjective: Nighttime on Hempstead turnpike, the traffic light is red but the brightest light and most obnoxious was the police light stopped behind my friends car. The lights shine through my window and cause a glare from the sunoco lights which drag my attention and cause me to turn away from the road if only for a second.