Archive for the tag 'Shifty'

Lighting Observation 4 A

1. 2/22/11 – About 9:30 pm – NAB Blackbox

2. Two fluorescent- ish flashlights moving around and shining on a bunch of actors very slowly walking  towards each other in blackout- flashlights only light source- during creepy monologue at rehearsal.

3. Royston wanted to play around with an idea for a specific monologue during rehearsal, it was very effective. There were these bodies slowly, steadily descending on the actor speaking and the only light in the entire space was coming from these two harsh lights that kept moving about, sometimes all you could see was feet, other times a full face and sometimes the light became so harsh on someone’s face they looked distorted. Actually they all looked distorted in this freakish light. At times only a part of the face would be modeled or backlit and the shiftiness of the light put us all on edge. It was at once very cool, and rather terrifying.