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Photo Observation #3



3. Nightlife

4. The hint of light in the far background of the dense woods is like a glimmer of false hope. The small light in the night gives just enough of a glow to get the feeling of the surroundings, and to realize that there’s almost no way you can get out of this predicament. The small glow highlights the thickness of the trees and gives them a foreboding and dangerous feel. All the light is doing here is giving you hope, but quickly taking it away and replacing it with fear. This kind of lighting embodies the feeling of nighttime, because even though it may look peaceful at first glance, further evaluation lets you sense the danger of not truly knowing your surroundings. Night brings with it this oppressive nature of the dark, essentially robbing you of one of your most primal senses. These woods with the light slowly trying to filter its way through the thick branches illustrate the double standard of the night.