Posted by previousstudent on February 11, 2022 08:45 am
under Light Observation
- DATE: 02/11/2022
- TIME: 12:35 pm
- LOCATION: The parking lot behind the Netherlands
- OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light posts that light up the back parking lot at night illuminate the dumpsters with a dim yellow light. There is a slight mist in the air which allows you to see the beams of light coming down from the light posts.
- SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The lights coming down on top of the trash cans gives an earie, almost creepy ambiance. The inability to see all the way down the road creates a sense of not knowing or unknown, which in turn adds to the eeriness of the light. The lights almost seem like spotlights, shining down on the dumpsters as if they where on a stage during a solo performance.
Tags: #damien moore, Light Observation