Lighting Observation 5
Date: 2/25/2016 Time: 9:37 p.m. Location: pathway between Grad hall/ towers and the parking lot
Objective Description: The night is dark and the only light is coming from the lamp posts that are all along the pathway. The lamps are shaped like little globes and from the path, it is as bright as daytime out.
Subjective Description: Standing at the end of the Student Center walkway, about to cross the street to the pathway allows me to see it from afar. The night sky contrasts with the glowing orbs of the lamp posts and they look like stars on the earth. As I walk onto the pathway, the darkness of the night disappears and I’m enveloped in this light. From the pathway, it seems as though it is mid-afternoon instead of well into the evening. This light made me feel safe and aware of my surroundings. As soon as I stepped off of the pathway to head towards my building, I was again swallowed into the darkness of the night.