Archive for the tag 'dorm'

Light Observation #2

  1. Thursday, February 9 at 12:30pm sitting in my bed in Hague house in the Netherlands Complex.
  2. The lights in my room were off and the blinds on the window were shut, but the bright white light from the snowy scene outside shone through and lit up the room.
  3. I woke up to find that the midday sun was shining brightly, enjoying itself and having fun bouncing around in the newly snow-covered world. Its happiness was contagious as the sun reached through my blinds, saturating my room with a bright white glow. My sleepy eyes adjusted as the vivid colors of my room were illuminated by the cheerfulness of a new day.

Lighting Observation 12

Date: 4/24/2016 Time: 8:00 p.m. Location: my dorm

Objective Description: The setting sun is shining through my blinds. The rest of my room is dark.

Subjective Description: My building faces the east and I am on the 9th floor so I get to watch the sun set over the city skyline every night. Over the past hour, the sun has been shining into my room through the cracks in the blinds and have been changing colors as the sun sets farther. Over the course of the hour, my room changes from having yellow stripes on the wall, to orange, to pink, gradually making my room darker and darker until there is no more sunlight coming in and I sit in complete darkness.


Lighting Observation 7

Date: 3/11/2016 Time: 9:15 p.m. Location: in my dorm

Objective Description: All of the lights in my room are out except for my Christmas lights. They are “icicle” lights so little strands of lights hand off of the main strand. There are also glittery, mini ornaments hanging on the lights.

Subjective Description: The mini bulbs reflect off of my pale yellow wall and it looks like each bulb is glowing. They are also hanging at all different lengths and do not really have a rhyme or reason to where they hang. This along with their individual, mini glows makes them look like stars in the sky. The small ornaments hanging off of the lights also make a cool effect on the wall. Because the ornaments were glitter, each individual speck of glitter reflected the light in its own way. The ornaments hanging on the strand of lights looked like mini disco balls and made the lighting feel fun just off of their reflections.

Light Observation #1

1. 7:15 AM, Wednesday, January 29th 2014. 614B Portsmouth House, Colonial Square.

2. Sunlight filtering through semi-opened blinds and hitting the floor and bed.

3. Eyelids twitching open from the unexpected brightness, I was suddenly awake with blinding beams of light biting into my eyes. The more awake I became, the more the room became a warm, peachy color.

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