Archive for February 6th, 2014

Photo Observation #2 – Max Cerci

Screen shot 2014-02-06 at 1.52.20 PM

2) Taken by me on the Boston harbor. 

3) Cold

4) The dark clouds in silhouette combined with the blue part of the sky conjure feelings of coldness. The sunset while bright does not have that dark redish color often associated with heat in a sunset but instead has a very bright, light color supporting the cold theme in this photo. The ripples in the water, visible due to the bright reflection, help to illustrate the wind that was ever so prevalent while I was taking this picture.  The most interesting part of the picture however, is the reflection of the sunset in the water contrasting the sunset in the sky as it looks more warm then the actual sunset.


Light Observation #2 – Max Cerci

1) February 6, 2014 around 9:35

2) The light from the window of Brower in contrast to the light in the classroom when the blinds were opened.

3) It was early in the morning for me and I felt very dreary and out of it. When my Italian professor walked in she started talking about how much she hated the lights and preferred natural lighting. When she Opened the blinds it was as if a completely new shade had been washed over the room. It made me think of when you take off a pair of sunglasses and realize the actual shade and lighting of the room. Once the curtains were opened my mood instantly changed.


Light Observation #2

1. 5, February, 2013: 7.36am

2. I was woken up by the sunrise streaming through my blinds. The colors were pink, yellow, and blue.

3. I felt like I woke up in a fairytale. I had woken up because my room was chilly, but when I opened my eyes, the sun was just starting to peek its rays in through my blinds. Everything was pink and yellow, giving my room a magical and warm feeling. Then I noticed an icy hint of blue dancing along the edges of my walls from the reflection of the sunlight off of the snow. Every particle of my room seemed to illuminate with the glow of the upcoming sun.

Photo Observation #2

Screen Shot 2014-02-05 at 11.52.14 AM

2. The film FROZEN, picture edited by

3. Cold

4. This picture depicts cold on many different levels. First, because of the flurry of snow that is surrounding the subjects, their clothing, and the cold blue push of the light. The elements of the picture are suggesting a cold time, where everything is made of ice and unyielding to the warmth. There is a hint of a sunrise through the window trying to let the sun seep in, but the snow doesn’t cease and the coldness of the blue takes over. Secondly, the theme of cold is mirrored in Elsa (the  subject in the foreground)’s face. She’s cutting herself off from the warmth in Anna (the other subject)’s open arms and expression and freezing herself from anything else. She is isolated, and unyielding to others, like a frozen tundra. Cold often has two sides: the biting crudeness of its feeling, and sadness. Both of these feelings are expressed through the lighting, color, and expressions of the subjects.


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