Archive for February 9th, 2017

Lighting Observation 2

1) Wednesday, 2/8/14, 11:15PM, Outside the Spiegel

2) The white moon, surrounded by clouds, almost full.

3) I looked up as I was waiting to get into Cabaret and I saw the moon peeking out from some clouds. I started thinking about how everyone was so sure that it wasn’t actually going to snow in the morning, but the encroaching clouds said otherwise. I was excited to have the day off from classes to be able to play in the coming snow. As I stared at the moon, the clouds slowly started to cover it, glowing softly and lighting up the sky.

Photo Observation 2


3. Cold

4. This is a picture I used as research for my “air” element project for Drama 78 last year. I loved this picture because it really shows how cold the air is. The blue and white light are help show this by making it look almost icy and solid. I also like that everything is in silhouette except the breath, so it lights up compared to everything else. I’ve always thought that being able to see your breath is a good indicator of it actually being cold outside because we don’t get much snow in California unless you’re in the mountains. It also brings back childhood memories of pretending to be a dragon with my brother.

Light Observation

1) Feb 7th, 12pm, sitting in class

2) A beam of sunshine  was shining on my notebook as I was writing notes in class.

3) I was sitting in class near a window writing on my notebook when I notice slowly the light started hitting me. The sun was beginning to move its course. At first there was no light but then little by little a piece of my notebook began to become brighter and brighter. It was intriguing to see how dark the paper was and then how bright this light reflects off of the white paper. I was playing with the beam of light by moving my hands to create a little shadow. The light was so bright it began to blind me as I kept eyeing the one spot on the paper. This brightness reminded me that when we feel dark there is always a path of light shinning somewhere.

Light Observation #2

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Feb 5th, 5pm, walking home from class.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sun was beginning to set.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sun has begun its decent. Soon there will be nothing but darkness to surround me. The heat is leaving and the cold is sneaking up on me. As blue fades to red and red fades to black I pull my jacket a little tighter around me, I walk a little faster. Each color seems to chase the previous color out of the sky, making way for a new show of brilliance. The colors have begun to mix, mixing so much I can no longer tell where one color ends and the other begins. The sky is on fire.

Photo Observation #2

2. Taken from my window

3. Cold

4. This makes me think of cold because of the fact that there is really nothing to be seen except white. Everything is covered in white. Besides that being the color of snow, that’s a color I associate with isolation and being alone which to me also brings about a feeling of coldness. I like that you really can’t see anything distinctive about where this photo is except for the cars that sprinkle a few dull colors about the photo. You can’t see buildings in the distance, just trees and snow. Something to me that furthers this feeling is also the watery ice marks in the corner of the photo which furthers the idea of isolation, with being on the outside looking in so to speak. The photo is just very dark and dull which brings out a feeling of coldness and I really like that.

Cold Atmosphere Against the Concrete

Source: Anton Jhonsen Photography, August 6, 2012 (

Theme: Cold

Description: A model is set against a concrete wall, lit by tungsten. The wall is splattered with stains and dabbles of paint, with a thick, sloppy line of blue atop the model’s head. Above the line is a spot of light condensed down. It gives an overcast over the model, illuminating the harsh paleness of her skin and white dress. On the far right, a studio and workbench are peaking behind the concrete wall.

To me, this photo spotlights the beautiful illusion that urban life sells to the populace. You may see the beauty of the city in its shining buildings, represented as the model sitting down. However, as seen behind the model, the city can be cracked, dirty place. That wall is the reality of what most cities attempt to hide with their models/skyscrapers. However, as you live in the city, you cannot escape the dirt and grime.

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