Archive for April 7th, 2017

Photo Observation

Photo by Stephen Criscolo


This photo is surreal because of the strange colors and positioning of the light.  The woman is standing in a light surrounded by darkness that reminds me of the deep ocean.  Though she is firmly on land, the way she is positioned in relation to the sea life above her seems to place her below them in deep water.

Light Observation

4/3/2017  8:00 PM  Student center, kitchen area

There was smoke coming from Grill’d that I was able to see because it was right below a light.  The light was a single bulb that gives off fluorescent light and it lit the smoke about a foot down from the ceiling.

The swirling cloud existed in one place.  Though it moved constantly as if it were bursting with activity, it could only live in the light from the cold sun above its head.  Without the radiation from above, the cloud would never be seen.  It was as if it were feeding on the sun and each particle in the cloud was fighting for its fill.

4-Corner Path Statue

  1. Location: March 6, 2017 at 11:15 near Spiegel Theater
  2. Objective: In the center of a crossroad is a twisted, melted onyx statue. On all 4 corner there are lamp posts that shine around the statue, but not directly onto it.
  3. Subjective: This represents the not only the directions of north, south, east and west, but also the different directions that you take in life. There is never a clear answer, as each road leads to this unformed thing at the center. While there is a grotesqueness about this unknown entity, there is also a beauty about not knowing what is going to happen.

Lighting Observation 9

Location: My dorm, like 5:30am earlier this week

Objective: I woke up way too early because my phone woke me up when my boyfriend texted me, and the light from my phone was just really bright.

Subjective: Not only was I insanely annoyed that my boyfriend was texting me literally before the sun was even up, the light on m phone was so obnoxiously bright that all I wanted to do was hit the lock button again so I could roll over and go back to sleep, but the phone blinded me temporarily when it lit up bright white light, it took all I had not to throw the stupid phone out the window.

Photo Observation 9

Theme: Surreal

Location: I took this photo myself at Diagon Alley, Universal Studios Orlando

This lighting is surreal because it’s unrealistic (Also hello there’s a DRAGON?). There’s yellow lights shining from the windows of Gringotts and there’s almost a cyan or light blue color that’s illuminating the dragon, making it seem even more like a dream than it already appears to be, because also, its a dragon. The very visible difference in the lighting brings to the forefront of my vision the dragon instead of the bank and the surrounding objects.

Light Observation #9

  1. Wednesday, April 5 at 11:45pm in my bed in my dorm.
  2. It was completely dark out and all the lights in my room were off except the twinkle lights that hang on the wall around my bed.
  3. The hundred miniature dots of yellowish white light each give off their own faint glow and reflect off the white painted wall and the copper wire they are connected by. The lights very softly illuminate the room while the string of tiny bulbs creates a soft border around me and keeps me safe and secure as I drift off to sleep in the warm and comfortable ambiance.

The Eye of Peer Gynt

Surreal light diagram

Source: Me from April 8, 2016 at the New Academics Black Box Theater

Theme: Surreal

Description: This photo is the set from the premiere of Peer Gynt. In the center is an eye-shaped structure that has two spiraling staircases on each side. What this eye represented was the spiral that Peer Gynt’s life is as he both experiences being an outcast and interacting with trolls to being a successful businessman and aging. It goes into the personal infinity of Peer Gynt’s rebelliousness and ambition over personal connection.

lighting Observation

  1. Thursday April 6th, My Dorm
  2. A string of rainbow christmas lights illuminates my dorm room
  3. I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that i had left my christmas lights on. It created this beautiful multi-colored effect that lit up my whole room. The lights reflected off of every surface in my room and it was a really beautiful room.