Archive for February 2nd, 2018

Light Observation #1

1) 2/2/18 – 6:00 PM in my dorm room

2) It is completely dark in my room except for my white and blue fish tank lights. I have two tanks that sit on a tall shelf at the end of my bed. At this time, the top tank is set on the blue setting while the one underneath is set on a white/blue mix. I sit leaning against my wall, therefore the tanks are on my right.

3) As I closed my laptop from doing homework, the beautiful shine of the LED lights of the tanks gave me a sense of happiness. Because I had finished most of my homework for the day, it was very uplifting to see the only light in the room to be the source of my little fishies. The light was fairly bright, however not at all as abrasive as my laptop screen had been like just before. It was a hopeful sight to see after working on homework and projects.

Photo Observation #1

2) This was taken in my neighborhood during the summer of 2017.

3) Sunrise/Sunset

4) Normally, the sunsets from where I was from were mixes of blue, orange, and yellow. However, on this one random day the sky appeared to be the brightest, most bubblegum pink I had ever seen. It caused everything around me to appear to be a soft shade of pink as well. This moment created a feeling of pause, as if time had stopped just so everyone could see it.