Archive for the tag 'colors'

Light Observation

1) 4/18 – 4:00 pm – Design Studio

2) Intelligent lights moving to match the music playing in the studio

3) While the music from “Spring Awakening” was playing through the speakers of the design studio, the intelligent lights to be used in the show were being tested as well. The lights were dancing with the music as many of the stressed out production majors took a song/dance break and enjoyed the music. It was such a great feeling to watch the lights dance around the room to the music similar to the way a dancer would dance about the stage. It seemed like the lights felt the music and was therefore able to match movements. the colors constantly changing with each beat or phrase of the music made the overall mood of the room more relaxed as the music continued on. Almost everyone was dancing around either on the tables or in their own seats to have a moment of peace from their work. The design studio rave was just what I needed to push through the rest of the day as it got my blood pumping.


Light Lab!

1) A Fall Sunset in Vermont

AP3150 at 75%
AP6900 at 75%

Downstage left (top to bottom):
AP3150 at 100%;  32 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle
G180 at 100%;  23 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle
G315 at 100%; 0 degree elevation; 56 degree side angle
AP6900 at 100%; -19 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle

Upstage right (top to bottom):
AP1800 at 100%; 23 degree elevation angle; 56 degree back angle
AP7750 at 100%; 0 degree elevation angle; 56 degree back angle

I chose the colors for the backlighing because I wanted them to represent the colors of autumn that would be seen on trees. I made the front light the progression from lighter to dark the way a sunset changes as you look farther up in the sky. I made the backdrop similar to the front light to further show the sunset changes.

2) An Easter Sunrise in a Gothic Cathedral

AP5800 at 75%
AP8500 at 75%

Center stage left (top to bottom):
AP5800 at 50%; 37 degree angle elevation
AP8500 at 100%; 0 degree angle elevation

Upstage right:
AP5800 at 75%; 23 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle
AP8500 at 100%; -19 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle

I like these colors because the pale pink and aqua make me think of easter eggs, and Easter in general. I wanted the lights to work the same way as they did with the sunset, with the lighter colors on the bottom and the darker on top, to recreate that sunrise/sunset feel.

3) Noon on a hot Summer Day in the Caribbean

G841 at 100%
G455 at 100%

Front light:
AP7350 at 100%; -31 degree elevation angle; 37 degree side angle

Center stage left (top to bottom):
AP7350 at 75%; 37 degree elevation angle
AP7350 at 75%; 27 degree elevation angle

Center stage right:
AP6500 at 75%; 0 degree elevation angle

Upstage right:
AP6500 at 75%; 32 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle

I used the backdrop to create the lively feeling of the ocean and beach of the Caribbean, coupled with bright, warm, all around lighting on the figure to show the sunlight hitting her.

4) Winter Afternoon Just Before Snow

G820 at 100%
G515 at 100%

Upstage left:
G515 at 75%; 0 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle

Center stage left:
G515 at 75%; -31 degree elevation angle; 37 degree side angle

Upstage left:
G515 at 25%; 0 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle

Upstage right (top to bottom):
G515 at 50%; 32 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle
G515 at 50%; 0 degree elevation angle; 56 degree side angle

I wanted the light to be kind of soft for the early afternoon, so I threw some blue into the backdrop. I really wanted to emphasize the coming of the snow, so everything is in stark white, and is fairly evenly lit the way it would be with light reflecting off the white of the snow.

Four Seasons Project

1. Fall Sunset in Vermont

Backdrop L to R:

  • RE029 at full, top light
  • P35900 at full, top light
  • RE164 at full, top light
  • RE029 at full, top light
  • P31048 at 50%, bottom light
  • P35200 at full, bottom light

Model L to R:

  • LHT797 at 50%, side light 45 degrees
  • P35600 at 75%, side light 45 degrees

I have never been to Vermont but I assume the sunsets are much darker and more intense than in Massachusetts, so I made the image a more intense version of a Massachusetts sunset. There is yellow on the horizon because the sun is still peaking through and that blends into an orangey red sky that is especially dark where the clouds are.


2. Easter Sunrise in a Gothic Cathedral

Backdrop L to R:

  • L104 at 25%, top light
  • G850 at full, top light
  • L079 at full, top light
  • L019 at 10%, top light
  • AP6400 at 75%, bottom light
  • G847 at 50%, bottom light

Model L to R:

  • No color at 50%, side light 45 degrees
  • L117 at 25%, side light 60 degrees
  • L101 at full, top light
  • L117 at 75%, back light
  • L117 at 25%, side light 60 degrees
  • No color at 50%, side light 45 degrees

When I thought of this I thought of stained glass and how the stained glass will make the blue light of the morning even bluer while the interior of the church will have more of a yellow light from the practicals mixing slightly with that intense blue.


3. Noon on a Hot Summer Day in the Caribbean

Backdrop L to R:

  • AP3900 at full, top light
  • AP4630 at full, floor light

Model L to R:

  • AP4630 at 50%, side light 45 degrees
  • R06 at full top light
  • G370 at 50% side light 45 degrees

When I think of the Caribbean I think of blue. The sky is blue and the ocean so I made the top of the cyclorama a deeper blue that fades into a lighter one as it reaches the ground. On the person, I made a very bright light for the intense sun.


4. Winter Afternoon Just Before the Snow

Backdrop L to R:

  • No color at 25%, top light
  • L226 at full, top light
  • No color 30%, bottom light
  • LHT062 75 %, bottom light

Model L to R:

  • L053 at 50 %, side light 45 degrees
  • L130 at full, top light
  • L130 at full, back light
  • L053 at 50%, side light 45 degrees

Before it snow, the sky gets very white with gray as it gets closer to the ground. There are no shadows because the sun is not there to create them, and everything takes on this very flat gray light that is trapped between the ground and the clouds.

Photo Observation 9


3) Intrigue

4) The sunlight reflecting through the wave is what I find to be very intriguing. The colors of the sunset are beautiful to begin with. the way the colors enfold the whole wave makes the surfer brighten up.

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