Archive for the tag 'Hofstra'

Light Observation #2

1. Wednesday, February 5, 2014. Memorial Quad, 2:30 AM

2. Walking back to C-Square when the light of the lamp post flickers and goes out.

3. Bracing myself against the cold, I began my trek back to the recesses of Hofstra’s campus. I looked vigilantly from side to side around me, as one does when walking late at night, when suddenly the orange, artificial light around me flickered and extinguished. For a moment, it seemed complete darkness, but when my eyes adjusted, the pale, fragile light of the moon took the lamp post’s place. Though darker and more sinister, the walk to the next gleaming lamp post  down the path was more peaceful and calming. The natural light was a soothing relief from the man made light that makes up most of Long Island.

Photo Observation #1


1. Taken by myself outside Hofstra USA in the Fall of 2012

2. Sunrise/Sunset

3. This photo is of a sunset. It is particularly interesting because of the cloud formations, but the lighting itself is incredible. From bright whites and yellows to deep purples, this photo contains all the warmth of the day dimming down into night. It seems to have the daylight disappearing even as you look at the photo, letting night take over.

Light Observation #12 – Hofstra Gala

May 3rd, 8PM, Hofstra Gala

My friends martini began to shine in the ambient light.

I was lucky enough to be invited to Hofstra Gala, the biggest event Hofstra has every year to ensure its scholarship endowment. It was a fun night of dressing fancy and eating food that I wondered why Lackman didnt serve to us normally. Nonetheless, we entered the arena to find it completely changed and transformed. It was beautiful. There were intelligent lights that kept slowly rotating and changing gels. My friend went to get a pink martini and while she was holding it, the light was shining through the glass. The pink concoction began to glow. It seemed so pure and hopeful. It made the martini look more appetizing as well. I think light has a huge influence on food and drink. It can make us hungry or thirsty. Right away, I wanted a martini, which was a problem because it is illegal for me to consume alcoholic beverages at my age. The pink color became alive and started to dance around in her glass. It seemed like something this beautiful cannot be controlled, but there it was, in her martini glass.

Photo Observation #1





2. Taken by Me walking by from the gym one night

3. Sunsets and Sunrises

4. Though I personally like sunrises better this sunset struck me at the time. It reminded me of something from home except replacing mountains with dorm rooms. The split of colors is fascinating that one side of building its clearly orange and on the other its yellow as if behind that tower a magical process happened to alter the beams of light. Contrastingly, to the right you see a blueish area that has already lost its light making me think the sunset is directional which seems impossible when so far away and we are such small pieces in the scheme of light. I think this moment would be incredibly difficult to recreate on stage since it would include many lights and many gels and it still wouldn’t be perfect. The fact that one source is supplying each of those colors and qualities along with the light I am using to walk in this field makes me marvel at this sunset.

Lighting Observation for 3/4

Sunset on 3/3, Calkins Quad


A bare tree is visible from Calkins quad. In the uppermost branches, a cardinal is perched. The sun has set behind the buildings already, and only the top of the tree is still lit, giving the cardinal a brilliant backlight while simultaneously bringing out the red of his plumage.


Though it is crisp and the Long Island wind is evident, the cardinal in the sunlight feels hopeful and warm. The light just brushing the edge of the branches gives them a livelier feel. It feels like spring, even if the temperature does not permit.


Light Observation for 3/4

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Sunset, outside of Breslin on 2/27

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Someone short is walking across the walk outside of Breslin hall. The way they are walking, the sun is in their face and a long shadow is being cast behind them. They have very good posture, and they are wearing a long wool coat. The scenery in front of them is all clear, except for the trees in the distance, which the sun is setting over.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It feels as if this man is being chased by his own shadow, which is even more ominous from its size. Though his wool coat does not look intimidating, the shadow appears to be wearing a long trench coat. The shadow is slender, but twice the size of its “victim.” The scene feels imposing and foreshadowing.

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