Archive for the 'Light Observation' Category

03/28 Lighting Moment

This photo is of my cat lounging on the couch during the day while the sun was shining in perfectly through the window for optimal sunbathing. I love the way that her eyes shine from the sun and her white fur is strikingly white. Lighting Moments – 03:28:24

Photo Observation 3/28

I took this photo on 3/27/24, of my bedside “sunset” lamp. The single source artificial light is reflected off of a hanging disco ball on my wall, cascading light across the room.

Lighting Observation (Overdue from last week)

Location: Times Square 7AM – Friday

Objective: Right around sunrise, my friend and I got off the bus at 42d Street and 8th Avenue. The whole sky was pink and orange and left a pink tint on the cars and on people’s skin. There were also the huge lights from buildings and signs in Times Square.

Subjective: The lighting created a contrasting feeling. The pink and orange sky seemed created a warm, calm, and early morning feel. However, the big bright lights from the buildings made the light very abrupt and it did not feel like morning. Together, it felt like both types of lighting created dissonance.

Lighting Observation 3/15

Objective: I was on FaceTime with my friend, and noticed movement through the reflection of the microwave in front of me. I immediately jumped and screamed, assuming it was a person in my house. It was indeed my own shadow.


Subjective: The reflection of the movement on the microwave sent a shock of shivers down like in a horror movie. I screamed bloody murder, accepting that of my own fate. For that split second, my mind raced like a horse of all the possibilities that could happen.

Lighting Observation – 3/15

3/14/24 – 5:17 PM – Hofstra Quad outside Emily Lowe Hall

Objective Description: The sun shone through the leaves on one of the trees, making the leaves sparkle in the light.

Subjective Description: The green leaves sparkled in the light of the low-hanging sun as if water droplets rested upon them. Only the golden beams of the sun’s rays could create the glow the tree reflected.

Lighting Observation 3/15

3/14, 3:45pm, Bits and Bytes

Objective description: The sun is still high in the sky, and the shadows of the trees in the Bits quad are cast upon the grass. The glare of the sun reflects off of people’s jewelry and sunglasses, and the vibrance of the green grass is very apparent. The sky is light blue and free from clouds, allowing for the sun to shine down unobstructed.

Subjective description: The warm sun and bright colors fill me with a sense of ease and calm. Feeling the sunlight on my face reminds me of how close we are to spring break and warmer weather, and it makes me want to lay outside and soak up the nice weather.

Spring Time- Mickey Estrella

Photo Observation 3/14

Lighting Observation 3/15

Setting: Equipment Room Loading Hall, LHSC, 5pm Mar 13th

Objective: A Fluorescent Light Reflects off of a semi-glossy black-painted door. The reflection is semi-specular and results in a rounded and diffused shape.

Subjective: An echo of the light above, almost remembered. A Hazy memory in a jet black void, marred with scratches and imperfections. Almost there, almost not.

Lighting Observation – part six

03/11/2023 – 10:40 pm – off-campus housing in Hempstead

Objective: The standing and desktop lamps are turned on in my friend’s bedroom, which has a more orange tone in the lightbulbs.

Subjective: Turning off the overhead light to the lamps had a very significant effect on creating a calmer head space for every individual in the bedroom, providing a sense of security and relaxation to the mind. Between the bright white light and the soft orange bulbs, the orange glow altered the atmosphere of the gathering.

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