Archive for March 30th, 2017

Photo Observation


3. Spooky

4. The only light seen in this photo is backlight coming from the end of the hallway behind the figure. When there is a smaller amount of light in a room than usual, it gives the space a spookier feel to it. This photo emphasizes that concept by masking the features of the person through a single back light and no light in front of the person.

Light Observation

  1. 3/29/17, around 7 PM, outside of my building
  2. Rych cancelled class so I spent pretty much the whole day inside getting work done. I left my building around the time of the sunset. It wasn’t spectacular, just average. Everything seemed very fresh in the fading sunlight.
  3. The almost humid air felt velvety on my skin as I walked across the road in the fading light. It was getting darker, the world looked almost silver, very clean. It looked like a fresh summer evening.

lighting Observation

  1. Thursday Morning in my dorm room.
  2. Sun light shining under my blinds and hitting my coffee in just the right way.
  3. I despise mornings, I need an hour and about 4 coffees to really feel human, but I’ve decided I need to wake up earlier.  So, Thursday I woke up with enough time to make coffee in my dorm instead of buying on my way to class.  My blinds are all the way down but the golden sun light is creeping under the lower edge and landing in a sharp oblong trapezoid shape on my desk. I set down my coffee in the pool of morning sun light and the way the light hit the curve of the cup. It looked so soft and cozy, it was everything that was right about mornings.

photo observation

  2. In this grey light I think the reactor looks spooky looming in the dark. There is just a spooky mystery lingering around nuclear things. They just seem dangerous.

Lighting Observation

  1. Sitting in the library on Wednesday night around 10:50 pm.
  2. Bright light hitting a white statue.
  3. The statue itself is pure white, as well as the light hitting it. i can see every inch of the statue in perfect detail. But staring at it too long is beginning to hurt my eyes. However, i can’t seem to look away.


  1. This is a still from the 2016 movie Hush. (94% on Rotten Tomatoes)
  2. Spooky
  3. The photo is from a heart-pounding thriller, and this moment captures the climax. The woman is sitting in her dark bathroom, only the “moonlight” illuminating her. The lines from the shade point towards her. It is spooky because of the shadows and lack of light, and the light source makes the room a cool grey blue.

Photo Observation

  1. I found this on Pintrest
  2. Theme: Spooky
  3. Whenever i look at this photo, i feel a sense of unease. The eerie light coming through the trees isn’t illuminating everything and because of that, it makes one’s imagination go wild. I always think there’s something there watching me.

Photo Observation

  1. Found on Flickr, taken by Alexander Rabb;
  2. There is nothing spookier than standing at a station waiting for the subway and watching as an empty car stops right in front of you, because you know that it’s never for a good reason and you definitely don’t want to get in it.  The angle of the picture, along with the lighting, help to enhance that effect.  The natural perspective of the image, the fluorescent lights, and the mute colors of the seat all heighten that abandoned feeling the car has.  In a place that is usually always busy and full of people, an empty subway car feels out of place and has an especially eerie feeling.

Photo Observation


  2. Spooky
  3. I found this online and this picture fit the theme because to me dolls are spooky and the fact that she is crying is scary. She looks lonely on a chair and the light is coming from one direction from the middle left and it is the only light source. What makes the light source eerie is that it is a spot light only on the doll and then it fades into darkness. Also the shadow produced by the chair is creepy when you observe it because if we couldn’t see the doll you wouldn’t be able to tell what was on the chair or if the shadow was even a chair.

Light Observation

  1. Tuesday, March 21st, 11:30 pm, in the front seat of the car with m friends back in the Bronx.
  2. The bottom of the dashboard in the front seat of the car there were these blue LED lights attached to the car. The lights also came from near the bottom of the back doors in the back seat.
  3. I was cruising in the car with my friends after seeing a movie with them and while we were driving, my friend who was the driver put on these lights that lit up the car. It was a dim blue color that illuminated the car like a club. It was coming from the bottom so it also looked like a moment when you tell a story and turn on a flash light at the bottom of your face.

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