Archive for January, 2019

Lighting Observation #1

  1. January 30th, 2019 at around 7 pm in my dorm room
  2. Objective Description: On top of my roommate’s desk, she has an essential oil diffuser that also has an led light inside of it. The light can change to different colors, but at the time it was on a mix between amber and orange. The light also flickers to look like a candle. The rest of the room was dark so the essential oil diffuser was the most prominent.
  3. Subjective Description: As a result of the light flickering like a candle, it had reminded me of the fires that my family and I make when it is a cold evening similar to the weather during that time. I felt calm and at home. The light had made me feel calm with all the stress that is occurring with the first week of classes.

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