Four Seasons: A Visual Study on Cycles

1) A Fall sunset in Vermont


November sunset ambient light over Lake Champlain in Shelburne, Vermont.

Source photo by Paul O. Boisvert in November 2012, and can be found here. 14 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 DSR front-sidelight L120 Deep Blue 46% -19º 56º
2 USR back-sidelight L198 Palace Blue 46% -19º 56º
3 SR direct sidelight AP7350 Fools Gold Amber 30%
4 USR back-sidelight AP7770 Hot Wings 13% 56º
5 DSR front-sidelight R10 Medium Yellow 28% 32º 56º
6 SR direct sidelight R12 Straw 39% 37º
7 DSC direct backlight L104 Deep Amber 30% 54º
8 CS direct downlight AP2190 Apollo Orange 2x CTO 74% 90º
9 USC direct backlight AP6500 Bikini Yellow 49% 54º
10 SR direct sidelight AP7570 Trick or Treat 39% 27º
11 SR direct sidelight L179 Chrome Orange 24%
12 DSR front-sidelight L198 Palace Blue 46% -19º 56º
13 USC cyclorama down light Ap2190 Apollo Orange 2x CTO 82%
14 USC cyclorama up light RE198 Palace Blue 35%


2.) Spring Sunrise in Montauk

Spring_MontaukSunrise_VLL Spring_MontaukSunrise2

Source photo by Edward Reese in March 2014, and can be found here. Source photo (enlarged) used as backdrop. 18 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 SR direct sidelight RE162 Bastard Amber 54%
2 DSR front-sidelight LHT007 Pale Yellow 40% 17º 37º
3 DSR front-sidelight AP8200 Scandalous Scarlet 66% 23º 56º
4 SR direct sidelight L176 Loving Amber 39% 27º
5 USR back-sidelight AP6900 Butterscotch 51% 23º 56º
6 DSR front-sidelight RE108 English Rose 18% 24º 37º
7 DSR front-sidelight AP6400 Pilsner Yellow 29% 32º 56º
8 SR direct sidelight L104 Deep Amber 54% 37º
9 USR back-sidelight L105 Orange 43% 32º 56º
10 DSR front-sidelight L102 Light Amber 50% 37º 56º
11 SR direct sidelight L159 No Colour Straw 25% 43º
12 USR back-sidelight L103 Straw 48% 37º 56º
13 DSC direct back light L101 Yellow 9% 14º
14 SL direct sidelight L048 Rose Purple 26% 27º
15 SL direct sidelight AP1900 Blue Diffusion 45%
16 USL back-sidelight AP3700 Groovy Grape 43% 56º
17 USC cyclorama down light N/A 100%
18 USC cyclorama up light N/A 100%

3) Noon on a hot Summer day in Hawaii



Source photo by Dennis Oda in August 2013, and can be found here. Backdrop image source here. 9 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 SR direct sidelight L212 LCT Yellow 36% 61º
2 DSC direct back light L205 1/2 CT Orange 74% 54º
3 DSL front-sidelight L203 1/4 CT Blue 58% 34º 11º
4 DSL front-sidelight L007 Pale Yellow 71% 52º 21º
5 DSL front-sidelight L020 Medium Amber 39% 13º 21º
6 SL direct sidelight G885 Blue Ice 45% 61º
7 DSL front-sidelight LHT053 Pale Lavender 41% 42º 48º
8 USC cyclorama down light NC 100%
9 USC cyclorama up light NC 100%

4) Winter afternoon in Maine


WEB low res

Source photo by Thomas Schoeller in December 2012, and can be found here. 18 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 DSR front-sidelight R4307 CalColor 7.5 Cyan 36% 32º 56º
2 USR back-sidelight L725 Old Steel Blue 39% 37º 56º
3 SR top-sidelight L724 Ocean Blue 48% 51º
4 DSR front-sidelight L702 Special Pale Lavender 24% 13º 21º
5 DSC direct back light R163 Powder Frost 24% 14º
6 DSL front-sidelight L750 Durham Frost 14% 52º 21º
7 DSL front-sidelight L247 Lee Minus Green 4% 48º 37º
8 DSL front-sidelight L253 Hampshire Frost 24% 42º 48º
9 DSL front-sidelight G525 Lime Sun 18% 37º 56º
10 SL direct sidelight G870 Winter White 55% 43º
11 USL back-sidelight L205 1/2 CT Orange 12% 37º 56º
12 DSL front-sidelight L169 Lilac Tint 14% 32º 56º
13 SL direct sidelight R62 Booster Blue 27% 37º
14 USC cyclorama down light NC 10%
15 USC cyclorama down light GRN 56%  –
16 USC cyclorama down light BLUE 80%  –
17 USC cyclorama up light NC 62%
 18 USC cyclorama up light CYAN 88%  –
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