Lighting Observation
1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3 am, the neighbors house behind me, last tuesday
2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light was coming from a single window at m neighbors house directly behind my house. I am assuming it was the laundry room.
3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I wake up in the middle of night to complete darkness. I am confused and half asleep from my slumber but a curioisity takes over my cloudy mind. I turn my head to look at the window and see my neighbors window. It was so dark outside that I could not even see the house. But what I did see was an orange square glooming through the earyness. The single light created a story in my head. Imagining my neighbor doing late night laundry and forgets to turn the light off. I think my head was going through a series of thinking and questioning; Probably the same thinking my neighbor went through to then forget to turn the light off. The orange souffle color of a light gave me enough energy to tire my eyes, lay back down, and doze off back to sleep.