Archive for the tag '#amanda #lightobservation'

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: In the black box, student rep show week

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was helping the designer create light for my dance piece

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: From a semester full of learning about light, how it works, what to do, what to consider, and many other thought processes, I was able to physically put my knowledge into practice for the student rep show. To see ideas flow into an assemble of systems and cues, I felt a deeper level of inspiration for dance and art. I felt a moment of gratitude for this class and what it helped me learn. I noticed how beautiful the light was in the blackbox and how cool is it to try to describe an emotion and see the light come into play. Lighting design is a beautiful thing and helps everything come to full circle.

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Jones beach, last week, early afternoon

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sun was reflecting brightly on the waves

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The Ocean is always exposed to the sun. It has an endless supply of vitamin D. The waves move and whisper to the people on sand shining a deep blue to make any person wonder what is inside the water. However, there was something in the water this time that made me not thinking about the deep ocean, but instead the top of it. The crust of the waves, the first layer of H20. I was in awe of the top of the way because the sun was glistening. I am not sure if it was the foam produced from the waves, but the ocean was twinkling. It looked like there was glitter everywhere shining like a diamond from the sun.

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION:In my digital design class at Hofstra

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was looking at my computer observing the designs I made for the class.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I think a light I do not often think about it from the computer. The digital light. If anything I learned from this class and the digital design class, there are the same elements for color. RBG, CMYK, how the value of the light can transform an object on the screen or in person. I look at my design and kept thinking that without digital light, then there is nothing on my screen. No emotion, no art, no linear object. Most things are created through light and how we see color.

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION:  Inside my house around midnight

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: My housemates and I were playing hide and go seek but with the lights completely off and using just out flashlights.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It is scary to feel vulnerability. Especially when there is no light and you have no clue what is in front of you. The one light you have a single flashlight that only reveals a tiny area that is about a foot away from you. Everything is covered by blackness. Anything could be lurking around and ready to pop out and scare you. The single light because your most trust source but you still beg for more light from the fear produced without light

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Hofstra lawn, right outside of Emily Lowe

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: the sun was low and it made shadows with the trees. The trees’ shadows were covering the lawns

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As the sun begins to takes its rest, the last glimpse of its ray are touching the trees in front of Emily Lowe Hall; Creating a shadow or silhouette of the trees onto the lawn. I look at the lawn, and it doesn’t seem like I am on a lawn anymore. I felt like I was in a jungle, searching my way through the branches. The trees and the light made a gobo that transforms the atmosphere.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3 am, the neighbors house behind me, last tuesday

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light was coming from a single window at m neighbors house directly behind my house. I am assuming it was the laundry room.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I wake up in the middle of night to complete darkness. I am confused and half asleep from my slumber but a curioisity takes over my cloudy mind. I turn my head to look at the window and see my neighbors window. It was so dark outside that I could not even see the house. But what I did see was an orange square glooming through the earyness. The single light created a story in my head. Imagining my neighbor doing late night laundry and forgets to turn the light off. I think my head was going through a series of thinking and questioning; Probably the same thinking my neighbor went through to then forget to turn the light off. The orange souffle color of a light gave me enough energy to tire my  eyes, lay back down, and doze off back to sleep.


Lighting Observation

  1.  The sky on my street, this past Wednesday, Mid-morning
  2. The light sky was surrounding everything. I noticed the light just walking outside.
  3.  There is something about finally seeing the sun and the sky after days of snowstorms and murky weather. The sky revealed everything that was once being covered by gloominess and dirty snow. The sky was so bright that I instantly felt the exposure of the earth, the things around me, and the atmosphere. The light sky gave a sense of openness. Nothing hovering over me, nothing pulling me down. All there was an open ceiling covered in warm and blue lightness. I felt like I could fly

Light Observation

1) 2/11/21, Evening close to sunset, in my front yard.

2) I was looking at the roof of my house. Directly above windows, there were sharp long icicles hanging from the room, collaborating with the sunset.

3)I’ve seen icicles before, once that hang, once that falls. Yet I have never seen the capturing essence the icicles can capture from any light. And in my sense, the sunset. At first, the icicles are scary and sharp, but with the light, I see a new perspective of the yellowish pink reflection that creates a sculpture below the roof. Water apparently holds memory, and the color the ice sculpture capture created a feeling of warmth beneath the cold. A memory that I’ll naturally reflect from the water and light. The light made the difference in my internal feeling of icicles.