Lighting Observation Eve Alas

  1. DATE: 02/06/22
  2. TIME: 7:25 am
  3. LOCATION: Hofstra Parking Lot Bill of Rights 
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION:  The sun is definitely rising and it is early in the morning because the light is not too bright or  too dark. It gives a feeling of beginning since the light from the sun is a little lower than it is in the middle of the day. The blue in the sky is not too intense in color but rather soft and light. The combination of light blue and a little bit of light warm yellow/orange is what gives the sensation of warmth. One of the many amazing things in the landscape is how the light goes through the trees. The trees look like shadows, which is something we do not see to0 much in the summer. This type of lighting indicates the season we are in which in this case is winter. I am so in love with sunrises and it also reminds me of home, even though El Salvador is always 90 degrees nature is a big part of my country. 
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was walking to my car and leaving for work and I felt extremely tired and as I looked to my right there was this big and beautiful light. It gave me a warm and motivational feeling because I was really sore and wanted to cry because my job is being a dance fitness trainer and I had to teach and work out but I was not feeling it that day. However, this beautiful landscape reminded me that I should feel blessed to be alive and get to live another day. 
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