1) A Fall sunset in Vermont:
For all of the seasons I chose a dark background because I was focusing on kind of a dark theme behind what we see. This one was one of my favorite ones. Fall is full of orange, red, and yellow and at the same time there is this concept of loss (because all of the trees are losing leafs), which is why I kept the space dark.
2) Easter sunrise in a Gothic Cathedral
I came up with this idea of seeing the sunrise through a window, which gives kind of a scary feeling and goes with the theme of Gothic. I love architecture and I have been in many Gothic Cathedrals in Prague and Belgium and some of them had windows with curtains like that so I thought I could do something with the lights and the effects.
3) Noon on a hot Summer day in the Caribbean
Coming from a Southern country, where it is hot 24/7, people tend to forget about what is around and only focus on the main brightness that comes from the sun. However, noon in a warm country full of brightness and warmth is always the best time of all the different colors from the flowers and grass to be seen because they look beautiful. This is just a reflexion of the different colors I usually see in my backyard in noon.
4) Winter afternoon just before the snow
When it comes to a snow storm, I always think about the accumulation of water that becomes ice that the clouds do, which is why I chose blue and everything is concentrated in the middle and that everything is about to go all out.
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