Lighting Observation #11
DATE – TIME – LOCATION : April 29, 2022 at 11:36 am, Jones Beach
OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : The sky is clear blue, and the sun is brightly reflecting off the ocean. The wind blows the sand around, creating a haze-like illusion.
SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : The dusted sand creates the feeling of extreme heat as it blurs the vision of the ocean. Replicating an almost heat stroke like mirage, the sand distorts the view of the vast expanse before me. The bright blue of the sky flows uninterrupted by even a single cloud, making me feel at ease, staring into the vast expanse. Both the ocean and the sky seem to lead on forever. The washed natural lighting of the sun leaves not a single shadow behind. It is as if the space continues on forever. There is nothing to worry about, and I am able to relax, knowing that whatever troubles that I may have can be ignored for the next few hours.