Lighting Observation
Feb. 12th 2023, 11:12pm, dorm in Vander Poel Hall
Objective: The white-yellow overhead lights of my dorm room are the only source of light. These overhead lights are both above me and also on my roommate’s side of the room. Mine is centered on the ceiling. On top of that there’s also a small red light on my power strip to indicate that it is on, and some flashes of white street lamp light visible below through the slats in my lowered blinds. Neither of these are illuminating anything in my vicinity but they are visible.
Subjective: The overhead light feels somewhat harsh, not on the eyes but on the colors of everything. It is the only light source, so it rules the room – it’s late and it’s dark outside, meaning without the overhead lights, nothing would be visible. While it does a good job of illuminating everything in the room, all corners and surfaces, it’s unforgiving in its brightness, particularly when held up against the darkness outside, lit intermittently by street lamps I would be able to see if I had my blinds open.