Lighting Observation

Date: 03/06/2023

Time: 3:00 pm

Location: outside Schaeffer’s Black Box

Objective: I was sitting on the bench and it was a very sunny day. The sky was a solid light blue with little to no clouds. I had finished drinking the chai latte from my glass french square bottle and settled it down on the bench beside me. The sun was reflecting on the glass and highlight the edges and rims of the glass bottle. The sunlight was also hitting me straight on the face.

Subjective: The sunlight reflecting off the glass bottle created for some interesting shadows and beautiful wavy highlights. The sunlight hitting me straight on the face made my skin look smooth but it also completely erased most of the dimension on my face. This moment reminded me of the what we learned earlier about lighting positions and angles and how having a direct light on your face will wash out most of your features. Overall this moment felt very positive and happy because of the bright light and blue skies.

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