Fall Sunset in Vermont
1,5:No Gel 100% 2,8,9: R15 75% Bottom Cyc: R21 100%
Top Cyc:R80 100% 3: L201 100% 4: R51 100%
10:L151 100%
I wanted to try and showcase a bright sunset since that was in the title and knowing it was Vermont I was picturing it with a bunch of warm colors to help capture the Vermont trees.
Spring Sunrise in Gothic Cathedral
1,4,10: R15 75% 2: No Gel 100% Window Gobo
3,5,6,9: L201 75% (except 5 which is 85%)
7:L151 100% Window Gobo 8:L151 75%
Top Cyc:R68 90% Bottom Cyc: No Gobo 75%
I wanted to use a window gobo in order to get the effect of a sunrise coming through a window and since it’s stained glass in a gothic cathedral I felt that the color wouldn’t just be a single color and the window would be slightly distorted with multiple refractions. I also added some low blues in the background to show it being early in the morning.
Noon on a Hot Summer Day in Hawaii
1,5,8: No Gobo 100% 2,3: L201 75%
4,10: R51 100% 6,9:L89 25%
Top Cyc: R68 100% Bottom Cyc: No Gobo 100%
Since it is noon I wanted to work more with over head lights and wash out the floor with a sandy like color. The bottom Cyc is meant as a reflection of the sand color and the green on the sides is hinting at the possibility of tree further beyond the stage.
Winter afternoon in North Dakota
1,4,5,6,8,9,10: L201 100%
2: L151 75% 3: R15 75%
Top and Bottom Cyc: R80 100%
I used the top lights as mainly a way to wash out the stage in white to give the effect of snow. When I was looking at photos for North Dakota I also saw a lot of orange so I wanted to put some low level orange lights in the scene. Since it is a mid afternoon as well I was picturing it on a nice clear day which is what I used the Cyc for
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