Light Observation

Date: 4/20/23

Time: 8:40pm

Location: Irving Plaza

Objective observation: I’m at a concert for a band called The Summer Set, but this observation is for the lighting used for one of the openers, a band called Grayscale. During their performance of a song called Beautiful Things, they had a single blue spotlight shining from a light in the back stage-right corner, pointed directly at the lead singer. It was the only light on for a good amount of the song, and it singled out the lead singer and made sure everyone’s attention was on him.

Subjective observation: The blue was sort of melancholy but intense, which fit well with the song’s vibe. The song talks about the ocean a lot (the chorus even mentions “the ocean blue”) and the blue lighting was reminiscent of that; it emphasized both the sadness in the song and also the power behind it. On top of that, the way the singular light was pointed directly at Colin Patrick Walsh (the lead singer) in a way that we could see the entire beam of light was theatrical in nature and overall pretty awesome to behold.

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