Beja Light Observation

Date, Time, Location: Wednesday February 2nd , 2011; 1:00 PMish,  at work (framing art gallery)

Objective Description: front entrance (composed of a glass wall), sun shining onto the wall with framed pictures.

Subjective Description: As I was eagerly and enthusiastically pretending to clean the glass on pictures, I noticed a glaring light hit the side of my eye. I turned around and had a complete lighting moment. The sunlight was shining down through the window hitting the glass on the pieces, and blinding me. As I took a closer look I could see framed boxes of yellow tinted light. It was a contrast from the dark blue carpet walls. It seemed that the light was trapped inside the frame, blurring the actual picture with harsh borders of shade on the bottom and right side. This made an exciting effect for the instant, bringing joy to my previously trapped feelings.

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